Manila Bulletin

Banter on marriage in SONA demoralizi­ng



THE second State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA) of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was so spiced with ad libs and humorous jibes which included bad words that it was one of the longest among presidenti­al SONAs at two hours and 10 minutes.

* * * The President stressed that the campaign against drugs will continue and be pursued relentless­ly. It’s to be noted that the bloody campaign had been lessened, presumably due to the numerous criticisms from various sectors like the Human Rights and Church groups as well as foreign democratic countries.

* * * The question is, will the renewed campaign be done through extrajudic­ial killings (EJK) or summary executions again?

* * * What I found contradict­ory was President Duterte’s statement about protecting and strengthen­ing the family in the light of the drug menace and other social maladies.

However, almost in the same breath, he cited officials having two or more families including himself. He added that the politician­s in the audience were doing it and they would be lying if they denied it. * * *

The audience laughed and some applauded. But the women in the galleries when the camera was focused on them looked serious and did not find it funny.

If infideliti­es or double-timing spouses does not weaken or even destroy families, then what is?

* * * For one thing, it’s unbecoming for the leader of the country to be revealing and generalizi­ng that couples who’re happily and faithfully married are like him. It’s also disgusting and demoralizi­ng that he should make such banter when there are many couples who are clinging to their moral and religious conviction­s despite encounteri­ng trials and difficulti­es in married life.

* * *

In his 2nd SONA, aside from revealing projects and making promises, the President should have cited the major problems and projects in his first SONA and mentioned what had been done or still need to be done.

In this way, the whole nation would know if there’s any progress or none at all.

* * * For instance, the monstrous traffic in the metropolis that’s still a major problem today, lack of jobs, lowering corporate and personal income tax which ironically is proposed to be increased, to mention some.

* * *

CRUCIAL FACTOR. No doubt, all of the President’s plans and promises are good. What’s crucial, however, is the IMPLEMENTA­TION.

Let’s all pray that he will really work and not talk too much. Otherwise he will end up as a NATO president – NO ACTION, TALK ONLY.

* * * INDIGENT SICK. You cannot bring your wealth to the next life. Why don’t you leave behind some to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and less fortunate.

* * * I am appealing on behalf of some indigent sick we are helping like Dante Cabansag and Fr. Ruben Mamuad who are undergoing hemodialys­is; Also M. Maranga, J. Lopez, R. Cayunda sick of pulmonary ailments; and also a breast cancer patient stage 3.

* * * The Lord says “Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink in My name will surely get his reward” (Mk 9:41).

For inquiries, e-mail me at:

* * *

ST. JUDE. Today join us in our novena to St. Jude Thaddeus, Saint of the Impossible, at the Divine Word Shrine, Christ the King Seminary, on E. Rodriguez Boulevard, QC after the 6 p.m mass.

A healing prayer and anointing with holy oil will follow.

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