Manila Bulletin

US judge blocks latest version of Trump travel ban


WASHINGTON (AFP) – A US federal judge on Tuesday barred the White House from implementi­ng yet another version of President Donald Trump’s controvers­ial executive order on immigratio­n, hours before it was due to go into full effect.

The decision by US District Judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii – which the White House signaled it would appeal -- marks the latest blow to Trump’s long-running efforts to restrict entry of travelers from targeted countries into the United States.

Watson said the third rendition of the travel ban – covering people from six mainly Muslim countries, as well as North Korea and some officials from Venezuela – could not be justified under law.

In his decision, Watson wrote the ban ‘’suffers from precisely the same maladies as its predecesso­r: it lacks sufficient findings that the entry of more than 150 million nationals from six specific countries would be ‘detrimenta­l to the interests of the United States.’’’

The ruling means the Trump administra­tion could again ask the Supreme Court to decide whether his immigratio­n orders are legal.

The newest order was announced last month to replace an expiring 90-day temporary ban on travelers from the Muslim-majority nations of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The September decree removed Sudan from the list, but added Chad and North Korea for full bans and Venezuela for a ban limited to certain classes of officials.

The White House justified the measure as needed to protect US national security – but critics said it appeared virtually the same as the original order of January 27.

Courts shot that version down say- ing it targeted Muslims, violating the US constituti­onal protection­s for religious freedom.

A second version was only slightly adjusted and was quickly tied up in similar legal wrangling.

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