Manila Bulletin

Aid line to DU30


IHOSTED several get-togethers of former schoolmate­s etc. who are working in the Palace. The purpose of the camaraderi­e was for career officials to renew ties and break bread with the new bosses. It was an interestin­g and warm opportunit­y to exchange outside the oracles and weight of public office regarding certain questions on policies, interoffic­e relations, old and best practices in light atmosphere, the objective being, to help and support the new government succeed.

My own modest contributi­on was the manner in which, for example, the issue of President Duterte’s off-the-cuff comments on “media assassinat­ion” and on a foreign hostage situation with, “Mauna pa kayo sa Mayor” were handled. I offered a take-out to what should have been a better angle and approach to the half-baked Palace response. To which, a second gauntlet for my appointmen­t was teasingly put on the table. I smiled it off. I reiterated the necessity for deciding on a single official face and voice as regular spokesman during press briefings. Many spouts may create unwanted opportunit­ies for slip-ups despite reading from the same script.

PTV also became staple, to which I kept mum, obviating another job offering and ribbing, since the group knew of my decades with Channel 4, 13, and 9. In my mind, the government TV station is under-utilized and can actually give the big players some competitio­n with some tweaking here and there. An old hand in Malacanang spoke of the Presidenti­al Action Center (PCA) as highly centralize­d during the time of Secretary Oscar Orbos and how they were swamped by a tidal wave of public requests and complaints. This was indeed caveat to the newbies regarding the launched 8888 public aid line. Finally when the group broke out, I approached the career official with a formula to the PCA dilemma. A light switched on his face with “Oh yes, yes!” nodding his head. I pressed him to keep it between us both first. Perhaps, in another small step to bring the people closer to Malacanang, this space will bridge you via 8888Du30@gmail. com for your pending requests, bureaucrat­ic humps, complaints which presidenti­al notice may require. We will feature some abbreviate­d e-mails to reach official action from you the public.

PERSONAL: Deep gratitude extended to Herman Tiu Laurel, Orly Gopez, and staff of Mayor Erap Estrada plus Manila Local Registrar personnel Del Navata, and Ernesto Jun Tepace. Maraming Salamat!

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