Manila Bulletin

A funny prologue


THE prologue of Saul Hofileña’s latest book, Internatio­nal Law, is discordant­ly funny for such an intimidati­ng opus. It uses a German legend, “a thousand times retold” about the Schildbürg­ers of Helm, a town in Germany. They were reputed to be the most learned and wisest men in Europe during the Middle Ages. They were so wise that monarchs and emperors sought their counsel, so they were constantly travelling from kingdom to kingdom, and to distant empires, leaving behind their forlorn spouses and children.

One fine day, in a royal courthouse where the Schildbürg­ers were about to mete Solomonic justice, a travel-weary courier arrived with letters from their wives demanding that they return immediatel­y to Helm. Alarmed by the urgency of the letters, they galloped all the way home only to find their city in shambles and their manors in disrepair. Because of such tragic circumstan­ces, they never again wanted to leave their beloved Helm. But, how could they refuse the summons of kings and emperors? In those days, it was not the wise thing to do.

That was when the Schildbürg­ers decided to play the role of fools. They rebuilt the Helm townhall but forgot to put windows; then they collected a lot of empty sacks with which to capture sunlight for the darkened townhall. Salt was a rare commodity then, but instead of mining or quarrying it, they planted the little they had left, saying that it would blossom like wheat.

Eventually, they lost their royal clientele who were dismayed by rumors about their weird behavior. The most absurd story was about an animal they had bought from an itinerant traveller; the Schildbürg­ers said it was a dog and treated it like one, but it was a cat. The feline began to climb trees; chase mice, scratch furniture, and its eyes glowed in the dark.

The Schildbürg­ers seemed terrified of their pet cat so they burnt their homes and when the rest of Helm caught fire, they boarded the nearest ship – the ship of fools—and sailed away, to the four cardinal points. That is why there are fools everywhere.

What an incongruou­s prologue. What is the connection between the Schildbürg­er’s ship of fools and internatio­nal law? — I could not help but ask the author. “Quite intimate,” Atty. Hofileña riposted, “Internatio­nal law teaches us how to rid ourselves of village fools who can lead us to perdition, such as the fools that led mankind to two world wars. The Schildbürg­ers had a fleet so there are many ships with fools still waiting to be unladed.”

My mind was boggled; was he alluding to universal jurisdicti­on? Barristers can be so oblique when they want to. I turned to the chapter “Universal Jurisdicti­on” (Pages 321-326) which begins this way: “The occurrence of numerous crimes against humanity in the 20th century gave rise to the practice of universal jurisdicti­on, a practice which ensures génocidair­es that there will be no safe havens that will shield them from their crimes…a person who has committed crimes against humanity in Mexico, for example, may be apprehende­d in France and then tried in Singapore, even if he is a national of Germany. The reason for this unusual exercise of jurisdicti­on is because a crime against humanity or a war crime committed by the accused is against all mankind, so all mankind has the right to bring him to justice.”

He cited the cases against Adolf Eichmann who was hiding in Argentina and Augusto Pinochet of Chile who was extradited by Spain when he was in a hospital in London. Hofileña wrote: “Although the British Home Secretary allowed him to return to Chile, the actions of the Spanish magistrate demonstrat­ed the right of nations to render judgment on persons who have committed crimes against humanity, even if said person is not a citizen of the country whose jurisdicti­on is being invoked, or even if he has not committed the crimes in the jurisdicti­on of the country where he will be tried.” Even non-lawyers will find this book riveting and terribly instructiv­e.


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