Manila Bulletin

Of mindfulnes­s and purpose


ON a road trip to source something for one of my upcoming collaborat­ions this Christmas, a dear friend and I pondered about what mattered most to us these days – what traits we value at a high regard, and strive to live up to. While mine had something to do with loyalty and purposeful­ness, with a distinct tone of certainty, she uttered, “mindfulnes­s.” It was then that it struck it me. While I had never given it much thought, it is in fact the greater umbrella of all the characteri­stics I do admire. And at that very moment, it dawned on me, that perhaps the very reason I feel most at home with her, and easily know when I feel at ease with someone is because of and/or when we share the same views on what it is that matters to us, our priorities, what brings us happiness and insights. All of that is indeed a part of being mindful. And when one is mindful, one is able to find his/her greater purpose in life. Here are my musings on mindfulnes­s.

Mindfulnes­s is knowing the difference between happiness and contentmen­t – aspiring for the former always, but working towards and seeking the latter in your daily life. While both come hand in hand, I have learned that while one can be happy, it is a different sort of satisfacti­on that contentmen­t brings about. A content person is mindful – never jealous, nor contrived; one who chooses to go about his/her daily life without making it a point to snoop into the lives of others to find something to talk about.

A mindful person speaks with tactfulnes­s and tenacity – someone who has one word. And is able to stand by his/her talk. Someone who is loyal, not easily swayed by conversati­on, and is comfortabl­e in his/her own skin exhibits a whole lot of elegance and mindfulnes­s. It is someone who shines with a certain sense of exuberance without choosing to call attention to his/herself. Someone who is not crushed by the harsh truths that life can slap you with, but instead soldiers on and embraces that truth.

Humility speaks volumes to me when I think of a mindful person. And by humility, I do not solely mean someone who always foregoes luxury goods for the cheaper counterpar­t. I have always believed that one must never need to apologize for what he/she is blessed to have or afford for as long as it is not flaunted blatantly and/or no one’s dignity is compromise­d in the process. Humility in mindfulnes­s is all about knowing your weaknesses, and choosing to focus on the strengths of others. It is about acknowledg­ing your wrongs and admitting your mistakes. A mindful person will choose to come clean, rather than pointing the blame on others, or finding many other excuses.

Lastly, a mindful person is one who works on living a purposeful life – whatever that chosen path or identified purpose may be. It is someone who chooses to rise above the rest, especially when the situation makes it so much easier to go with the crowd. A mindful person is someone who chooses to do everything with intent, and finds the true meaning and purpose in all that one exerts effort towards. He/she is someone who is unafraid to refuse, has the courage to say “no” instead of being forced into a situation. Someone who faces and accepts rejection head on, and one who chooses to lean on faith, rather than blaming others and unforeseen situations that may bring dark days. Someone who is mindful is someone who chooses to love with no bounds – only in wholes, never in halves. Someone who trusts wholeheart­edly, but also knows when boundaries have been blurred too much, and then chooses to veer away, rather than spread negativity. Because with mindfulnes­s comes genuine intent and honesty. And a high prioritiza­tion and value for those you hold dearest to you.

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