Manila Bulletin

Choosing the better things: EPD nixes creepy Halloween


Instead of portraying monsters and other creepy creatures to celebrate Halloween, the Eastern Police District (EPD) chose to focus on the lives and exploits of saints and super heroes this year.

Chief Supt. Romulo Sapitula, EPD director, said that the theme shift was inspired by a priest’s homily.

“Some colleagues and I attended holy mass last year. We got the idea of portraying saints and super heroes rather than scary characters after the priest explained that it’s better to portray good people to children,” Sapitula said.

“This is why EPD picked this theme. Police officers dressed up as saints and super heroes to give joy and inspiratio­n to young ones,” he added.

On Thursday, police officers portrayed saints and super heroes at the Tanghalang Pasigueño in Pasig City before a large crowd of students.

The event was dubbed by EPD as “Holyween Party against Criminalit­y with Saints and Superheroe­s 2017.”

Some of the saints portrayed were Francis of Assisi, Mary of Magdala, and Archangel Gabriel.

Meantime, local super heroes like Captain Barbel and Darna were also featured.

During the event, police officers showcased their talents by performing skits to portray the lives of saints.

The police chief said that he is optimistic that the students who watched their event will be inspired by the portrayals.

“I hope the students who attended our event got inspired to help others and become beacon to people who went astray,” he said.

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