Manila Bulletin

‘Have a cigarette smoke-free Christmas’


The public was urged yesterday by a pro-health group to spare Christmas parties and gatherings from lethal cigarette smoke.

New Vois Associatio­n of the Philippine­s (NVAP) President Emer Rojas said his group is hopeful that smokers will allow their families and friends to fully enjoy the Christmas season without being annoyed and worried over cigarette smoke.

“Let us stop ourselves from smoking, especially when we attend so many Christmas parties in the coming days,” urged Rojas.

“The best gift we can give to our friends, families, and loved ones this Christmas is not to bring them the threat that come with cigarette smoking, particular­ly second hand smoke,” he added.

Aside from sparing Christmas parties, the anti-smoking advocate emphasized it would be good if smokers will make it their New Year’s resolution to quit smoking.

“The traditiona­l New Year’s resolution would be a good moment for those who have been looking to quit smoking,” said Rojas.

“Let us just hope that having this resolution will not be just like others that are meant to be broken,” he added.

Meanwhile, Rojas called on local government units and law enforcemen­t agencies to strictly enforce the nationwide smoking ban as their way to help smokers in quitting their deadly vice.

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