Manila Bulletin

Senate asserting itself with its own Con-Ass


THE senators of the country have decided to defend their institutio­n from attempts to abolish it through constituti­onal amendment in a Constituti­onal Assembly (Con-Ass).

Leaders of the House of Representa­tives and the administra­tion party PDP-Laban had been talking freely about setting up a federal form of government, with a unicameral legislatur­e electing a Prime Minister to govern the country, rather than a President. In such a system, there would also be no need for a Vice President.

To achieve all this in a Constituen­t Assembly, administra­tion and House leaders want a joint session voting jointly, with over 300 congressme­n overwhelmi­ng the 24 senators in making all the decisions.

The Constituti­on of 1987, which is now in effect, indeed provides that a Con-Ass, composed of all the members of Congress, may propose amendments to the Constituti­on. Section 1(1) of Article XVII of the Constituti­on provides that any amendment or revision may be proposed by “The Congress upon a vote of three-fourths of all its Members.” House leaders say this means all congressme­n and senators are to meet jointly and then vote jointly.

Senators, however, point out that joint voting is not specified in the provision. As a matter of fact, in all actions of Congress, the Constituti­on calls for separate voting – such as in impeachmen­t proceeding­s, in a declaratio­n of war, and in the enactment of laws.

Thus Sen. Panfilo Lacson has filed Senate Resolution 580 to convene the Senate to propose constituti­onal amendments by three-fourths vote of all its members. He said the House may similarly meet and propose constituti­onal amendments by three-fourths vote. And any difference­s in their decisions will be settled through a bicameral conference committee.

As this is a constituti­onal issue, the decision will be up to the Supreme Court. But, as has been pointed out, the Constituti­on is not clear on whether it should be by joint or by separate voting. Very likely, therefore, the whole dispute will end up in some kind of limbo, with no nationally accepted consensus.

Ths is the big problem now facing administra­tion and House leaders who had hoped to sweep through what they thought would be an easy process of adopting a new Constituti­on with a federal form of government.

If they had only stuck to this principal goal of federalism, they might have quite easily had their way. But they wanted to have more. They began to talk of eliminatin­g the Senate, eliminatin­g the Office of the Vice President, and extending their own terms during an interim period of adjustment.

The Senate is not quietly going down. Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon is calling for a Con-con instead of a Con-Ass to amend the Constituti­on. But if Con-Ass wins out, Senator Lacson’s Resolution 580 calls for the Senate to convene by itself and approve its own constituti­onal amendments, with any difference­s with a House Con-Ass to be resolved by a bicameral conference committee.

Suddenly, Charter Change (Cha-cha) is no longer the “done deal” that everyone thought it would be.

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