Manila Bulletin

Arresting unrest


READ: ROMANS 13:1-10

Submit to [the authoritie­s], not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience (Romans 13:5).

THE ten-hour drive through the mountains led Dave from school to his home, but the trip robbed him of valuable study time. By driving faster, he could trim the journey to eight hours. That seemed like a pretty good bargain to him.

There was a problem though. He had to exceed the speed limit substantia­lly (do the math). Clenching the wheel apprehensi­vely, he looked for highway patrol cars the entire route. He couldn’t even enjoy the scenery. By the time Dave arrived home, relaxation had become impossible. He couldn’t sleep or study. His drive had saved two hours in travel time, but he lost more than he gained.

Speeding on a roadway might not rank high on our list of misdeeds, but intentiona­lly breaking even a traffic law indicates a heart that wants its own way. The apostle Paul wrote, “For the authoritie­s do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authoritie­s? Do what is right, and they will honor you” (Romans 13:3).

The apostle penned those words during the reign of a regime that didn’t even recognize God. Yet he said, “The authoritie­s are God’s servants, sent for your good .... [They’re] sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong” (Romans 13:4). He advised his readers, “Submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience” (Romans 13:5).

The next time he took his trip through the mountains, Dave found that easing up on the accelerato­r also eased his mind. His entire spirit calmed as he began to appreciate the spectacula­r drive he had hardly noticed before. It’s amazing what we can enjoy when we rest in God with a clear conscience.

Our Daily Journey ©2018 ODB Ministries, 3000, Kraft Ave., SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 495550001, USA. Used by permission. For this and other materials contact ODB Ministries at 322 P. Guevarra, San Juan City (Phils.); Tel.: 722-2010.

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