Manila Bulletin



Discover the excellent Cantonese cuisine this Lunar New Year, with fine and exclusive dishes for the season, from Hong Kong native, Chinese Executive Chef Terry Lai.w

With the coming of the Year of the Earth Dog, the award-winning Cantonese restaurant, Lung Hin, is bringing special dishes to the table, available only for the season. Experience the restaurant’s fine flavors that make each celebratio­n worthwhile starting with the prosperity toss with salmon yu sheng for an abundant year. The traditiona­l salad is available for take away, for small and large orders. Season exclusive dishes such as poached Hong Kong sesame chicken, sautéed imperial tiger prawn with supreme stock, signature marinated pork knuckles, and poached yellow croaker fish with tofu, can be enjoyed, together with the classic dishes from Lung Hin’s well-curated and new a la carte menu.

Have a feast with the family with special set menus to indulge in. Choose between double prosperity, which includes the classic barbecued roasted pork, crispy roasted Hong Kong chicken, and sautéed fresh scallops with fresh squids and broccoli, and the endless fortune, featuring steamed fresh lobster with glutinous rice in bamboo basket, half crispy roasted suckling pig, and steamed live abalone with minced garlic.

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