Manila Bulletin



The arrival of Chinese New Year is believed by many to bring about a change in the winds of fate and fortune. This February, we usher in the year of the earth dog, which brings a welcome respite from the unsettled energies of the fire rooster.

The eleventh animal in Chinese zodiac, the dog is a symbol of honesty and loyalty and is attributed with most of the best traits of its real-life counterpar­t, man’s best friend. People born under the year of the dog are thought to be friendly, good-natured, energetic, faithful, loyal, smart, and full of energy.

The earth dog in particular, brings about stability and a conserving force. This is a good year for those who want to break bad habits and start on new ventures. For people who, like most of those born in the year of the dog, are hardworkin­g and proactive, 2018 promises to bring prosperity and positive change. What’s more, it is likely to reward individual­s who show generosity - those people may just be the ones to reap the most rewards that this year has to offer.

People born under the sign of the Earth Dog are particular­ly blessed with the gift of ambition, as their element is linked with metal and thus, prosperity. They’re also likely to be able to achieve their goals and enjoy the finer things in life.

Even the most hardworkin­g person, though, needs to kick back and relax every now and then, and the easygoing dog loves the occasional social get-together with like minds. For occasions like these, Chivas Regal is the perfect drink to share our successes with friends.

If anything, the year of the dog is all about creating opportunit­ies, not only for ourselves but for those around us, to succeed. And at the end of the day, we acknowledg­e those who helped us along the way by reaching out to another to help them too.

What better way to toast one’s success and give a nod to the people who helped you achieve your dreams than the finely crafted liquor created by a company that holds the values of generosity and giving back at the very core of its belief system?


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