Manila Bulletin

‘Kami naman’ (It’s our turn)



SOMETIME in 1987, Miascor personnel said, practicall­y all of the major airlines left PSI and were now clients of the new ground-handling service called People’s Cargo.

“Kami naman (It’s our turn),” the Miascor employees jokingly repeated the new battle cry at the airport, uttered allegedly by the newcomers.

Thereafter, People’s Cargo took over the PSI’s ground-handling services. This despite the clout of the owner/president, Marielez Romulo, who was a close friend of strongman Ferdinand Marcos.

People’s Cargo became a huge company, then changed name and becomes Philippine Airport Ground Support Solutions, Inc. (PAGSS), they said.

The latest incarnatio­n is the PairPagss cargo company, “a comprehens­ive cargo handling and storage service company establishe­d in 1987. This company, second only in size to Miascor, has an extensive warehouse space for cargo storage, profession­alized handling services, and a full component of customs personnel, with highly competent and personaliz­ed service.”

PAGSS President Janet Cordero dismissed the Miascor employees’ allegation­s. “I don’t want to comment, we want to concentrat­e now on our work.”

Luigi Avancena, Miascor consultant, said the company has been given an extension until April 15 this year to close its ground-handling service, from the original deadline of March 31.

He said the Miascor management is talking to other ground-handling services to accept some of the soonto-be dismissed employees. He said the other ground service providers are: Dnata, Skylogisti­cs, Macro Asia, and PairPagss.”

“Miascor continues some of the remaining services such as catering, mechanic, airline services, and several more,” Avancena added.

He said the company continues to offer below–and above–the wing services. Its core businesses are in ground handling, cargo handling and warehousin­g, and in-flight catering.

The company’s portfolio also includes a wide range of ancillary services such as fixed base operations (FBO), into-plane refueling, manpower deployment, general sales agency (GSA), and training.

Although Miascor would not give its actual number of employees, airport sources said it has about to 8,000 to 9,000 personnel, with about 40 airline clients.

“It is currently the leading aviation services company in terms of market share for its passenger, ramp handling, and in-flight catering services.”

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