Manila Bulletin

289 barangay execs in DU30 narco-list; ‘Gambling general’ watched, too


THE Philippine National Police (PNP) has disclosed it is now looking into the alleged involvemen­t of some barangay officials in illegal drugs activities.

Monsters in the neighborho­od? Digong the Punisher to the rescue!

*** The PNP said it is investigat­ing a police general for his alleged role as protector of illegal gambling.

Y tu, General? We’ll bet on your arrest or sacking.

*** Director General Ronald dela Rosa, PNP chief, said that an investigat­ion of several barangay officials is now under way based on the narcolist of President Duterte.

“The list is now with the Directorat­e for Intelligen­ce. There is now a move on the part of the PNP and the Philippine Drug Enforcemen­t Agency to confirm if they are indeed involved in drug trade,” Dela Rosa added. *** President Duterte had earlier revealed that 40 percent of barangay captains around the country are involved in illegal drugs trade.

This was the reason he wanted to cancel the barangay elections and appoint the barangay officials instead.

*** Dela Rosa said case build-up will follow against erring barangay captains once their involvemen­t is confirmed.

“The Interior Secretary is leaving it up to the PNP for a case build-up,” he said.

*** Dela Rosa said he would also look whether some of the barangay captains in Duterte’s list have already stopped their drug trade operations.

If they did, they will be given the chance to change, he assured.

*** Meanwhile, the anti-scalawag unit of the Philippine National Police (PNP) disclosed that it is investigat­ing a police general tagged as involved in illegal gambling protection. General a big fish?

*** But Senior Supt. Jose Chiquito Malayo, head of the PNP CounterInt­elligence Task Force (CITF), declined to disclose the name of the one-star general in the meantime.

“(But) we have received two complaints against him about his alleged involvemen­t in the protection of illegal gambling,” said Malayo.

*** Malayo did not disclose the areas of operation of the illegal gambling syndicate that the police general supposedly protects.

“But we have made some arrests in the past of people who are possibly connected to that illegal gambling syndicate,” he said.

*** PNP officials recalled that at least four police generals have been tagged in the protection of illegal drugs trade in 2016. Reputation tarnished.

*** The PNP disclosed that a total of 1,535 policemen are currently on their monitoring list for involvemen­t in various illegal activities. Of the figure, 358 of them are police officials.

Scalawags out! No more rogues in police uniform!

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