Manila Bulletin

National Day of Mauritius


THE Republic of Mauritius, a volcanic island nation located in the southwest part of the Indian Ocean, celebrates its national day today. This annual celebratio­n commemorat­es the country’s independen­ce from the British rule in 1968 and the official establishm­ent of the Mauritian Republic in 1992. To mark this special event, citizens organize and participat­e in celebratio­ns such as concerts and parades. Along with an official flag-raising ceremony, Mauritians also display their colorful flags across the island.

Officially recognized as the Republic of Mauritius, the islands of Mauritius are considered one of the best tourist destinatio­ns in the area, ranking 3rd in the region and 56th globally. With its tropical weather, exquisite beaches and lagoons, Mauritius continues to boost its economic developmen­t through tourism and foreign investment­s. Since its independen­ce in 1968, the country has grown from a low-income agricultur­e-based economy to a middle-income economy. Aside from revenue from the influx of foreign tourists, Mauritius’ economy also relies on the production of sugar, textiles, and services such as financial and IT services.

The Philippine­s and Mauritius have had positive bilateral relationsh­ip. The two government­s work hand in hand in order to establish an extensive economic partnershi­p especially in medical tourism. Foreign officers from both countries have also collaborat­ed to assess and improve existing investment­s, agreements and partnershi­ps.

We congratula­te the people and the government of Mauritius led by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth and President Ameenah Gurib, on the occasion of their country’s National Day.

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