Manila Bulletin

Panglao’s waters safe, clean – DENR


CEBU CITY – The waters of Panglao Island in Bohol remain still safe for swimming and other tourism activities, according to the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources-Environmen­tal Management Bureau (DENR-EMB).

According to the DENR-EMB 2017 Panglao Coastal Water Quality Status Report, coliform level in Panglao dropped to 284.15mpn/1000ml during the fourth quarter of 2017 and even lower in the third quarter at only 116.94mpn, way below the DENR-EMB standard of 1000mpn/1000ml.

Engr. Cindylyn Pepito of EMB-7 clarified during her presentati­on that “Not everything about coliform is negative, except for the fecal coliform. We even have coliform in our tummy which helps in digestion,” said Engr. Cindylyn Pepito of EMB-7.

The level of fecal coliform is the important parameter to determine the water quality of a body of water, she explained.

The DENR-EMB 2017 report also showed a sustained decline in the fecal coliform levels: 305.70mpn/100ml in the first quarter; 277.20mpn, second quarter; 87.31mpn, third quarter; and 77.59mpn, fourth quarter.

According to EMB-7 regional director William Cunado, the major contributi­ng culprits for the coastal water coliform is the absence of waste water treatment facilities, substandar­d septage or septic systems, and non-compliance to and loose enforcemen­t of sanitation and environmen­tal laws and guidelines.

Cunado said only 33 Panglao resorts, hotels, accommodat­ion establishm­ents and related facilities are with waste water dispatch permits.

We already sent notices to 90 environmen­tal violators who will be called to a “massive technical conference” early next month, he added.

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