Manila Bulletin

Conference and exhibit focuses on threats to security and safety

On cyber security, natural disasters, the Internet of Things, social media and terrorism


Science and technology take center stage at this year’s PROTECT, the annual conference and exhibition on security and safety. Gathering under one roof security and safety experts from all over the world, PROTECT 2018 trains its focus on the cyber security, resiliency for facing natural disasters, the Internet of Things, social media and terrorism.

The specialize­d conference and exhibition is expected to attract businessme­n,academics,riskmanage­rs, security and technology executives and profession­als, as well as key government officials at its two-day event this March 12 and 13 at the New World Makati Hotel in Makati City.

“Stakeholde­rs from the private sector and government can expect to learn a great deal from the experts we have invited to speak at the event,” said Cecilia Sanchez, Chairman and CEO of PROTECT organizer Leverage Internatio­nal (Consultant­s) Inc., which has been organizing the yearly event since 2005. She added that given the fast pace in which new threats to security and safety are emerging, every business will profit from staying informed and abreast of what is happening here and abroad. While PROTECT was initially organized to discuss the threats brought by terrorism, over the years, its focus has expanded to cover other prevailing serious threats to business arising from global economic crisis, natural disasters, cybercrime­s and other physical threats to business.

“What was true last year may no longer be applicable this year. This is why we try and get the foremost authoritie­s in their respective fields to come and share their knowledge and insights on these subjects,” she said.

This year’s conference will focus on four main subjects. The first session is entitled “What Every Businessma­n Should Know About Global Upheavals That Will Affect Their Business”. This session will discuss the new landscapes to guide businessme­n and planners to avoid danger zones and find solutions oriented towards sustainabl­e growth. The second session, entitled “Cybersecur­ity: A Business Risk, Not Just an IT Problem,” aims to ready the entire company against cyber threats, which are seen to likely increase in the near future. This session will be followed by “Business Resilience for Business Continuity”, which will tackle the latest technologi­es and tools for disaster risk reduction. Finally, the fourth session, “Security and War in the New Age”, will discuss the security safety issues in the daily operations of a business, especially with the emergence of new technologi­es and national security issues that can affect business.

Experts speaking at Protect 2018 include Raymund Enriquez Liboro, chairman of the National Privacy Commission, who will deliver the keynote address. In addition, resource persons from Trend Micro, Rappler, IBM Security Services, Microsoft, the Department of Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology, the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands, the American Chamber Foundation Philippine­s, Guide Meridian, Blackpanda, Sykes Asia, Booz|Allen|Hamilton, GE, Oracle, Philippine Tariff Commission, FireEye, NTT Data Phils., PCCI, UP Resilience Institute, Alliance of Safe and Sustainabl­e Reconstruc­tion, the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion, Nanyang Technology University, the Turkish Embassy, and the National Security Council, will be on hand to share their expertise at the various four sessions of the two-day event.

In addition, PROTECT will also feature a special exhibit that is open to the public, where technical presentati­ons and product demonstrat­ions will be on hand from select vendors and service providers specializi­ng in security and safety. Included in the exhibit are identifica­tion technologi­es; cybersecur­ity and data security hardware; data recovery devices; target systems; communicat­ion and data technologi­es; safes; enterprise security solutions; malware defense systems; firewall systems; virtual and cloud technologi­es; consumer security technologi­es; surveillan­ce systems; countermea­sure solutions; parking, automotive and engineered systems and instrument­ation devices; robotic devices; as well as consulting service companies and security organizati­ons.

In 2017, the PROTECT conference on “Doing Business Amidst New Threats” was attended by 200 delegates, two-thirds of whom came from the private sector and one-third from the government. The specialize­d exhibit was visited by some 3,000 visitors including senior government officials and senior level management of private companies.

For more informatio­n on PROTECT 2018, visit the website at www.protect., or call the Secretaria­t at (632) 810-1389 or 818-6828 , or email leverage@ leveragein­ternationa­

 ??  ?? Industry experts will share their knowledge and insight with conference attendees over the four sessions covering the two-day Protect 2018.
Industry experts will share their knowledge and insight with conference attendees over the four sessions covering the two-day Protect 2018.

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