Manila Bulletin

Ryan Agoncillo, the ‘InstaDad’

How one little girl prepared him for fatherhood


“Happiness as a word became an incapable adjective,” reveals Ryan Agoncillo, describing that special moment when he held each of his children for the first time. And to this young dad, each experience was definitely unique, starting with Yohan, his eldest.

The TV host became an instant father to the little girl back in April, 2009 when he married his girlfriend Judy Ann Santos who had adopted the child. There were no trepidatio­ns on being a ready-made dad admits Ryan. “My valid concern though was adulting. It actually felt good to have to do it.”

Ryan’s natural acceptance of fatherhood probably stemmed from the fact that he already played a key role in Yohan’s life as her godfather even before he married Judy Ann. And as the popular actress’ boyfriend at the time, he was able to spend time with the little girl.

But Ryan’s “aha!” moment as a dad hit him after hearing a story that happened with Yohan at the supermarke­t. “She was in the grocery with her mom and she pointed out to a magazine with us on the cover, and she exclaimed, ‘Mom and Dad!’ When I was told about it, I knew I was in it for the long haul.”

It would take years for the legal adoption of Yohan to be granted but by the time it became official, the special bond between Ryan, his wife Judy Ann, and their daughter (who they fondly call Buding) was already priceless. The adoption papers only affirmed what everyone already knew — that Yohan is Ryan’s daughter and he is her dad.

“It took Judy Ann four years to secure the legal papers. After we got married, it took me another four years for Yohan to become officially an Agoncillo. And when she did, we had a little ceremony at home with Fr. Tito Caluag to turn over godfather duties to my one and only brother as I was her godfather at baptism,” Ryan further explains.

The arrival of the couple’s son Lucho back in 2010, and their youngest Luna two years ago completed the circle of love that now surrounds Ryan and Judy Ann. “Our worlds revolve around one another. Everything is about loving,” affirms the now father of three.

It took Judy Ann four years to secure the legal papers. After we got married, it took me another four years for Yohan to become officially an Agoncillo.

 ?? Photos from Ryan Agoncillo's Instagram account ??
Photos from Ryan Agoncillo's Instagram account
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