Manila Bulletin

Julie Anne reveals her edge over other singers



Some singers have the range, others do vocal runs so well and there are a few who are pitch perfect. Well, Julie Anne is all that – and she can play five musical instrument­s, too.

Some singers have the range, others do vocal runs so well and there are a few who are pitch perfect. Well, Julie Anne is all that – and she can play five musical instrument­s, too.

In an interview, the singer said these are the piano, guitar, drums, flute, and lyre.

Her dad taught her to play piano and guitar at seven years old. Five years later, she discovered the joy of banging on stretched skin. Julie Anne learned to play the flute and the lyre at school.

Given the chance, the 24year-old wants to dabble in violin and saxophone. In fact, she has a violin at home though she has not had much chance to use it. Versatile If the voice is considered an instrument then that would be her sixth, and one she has nearly mastered. Her latest album “Breakthrou­gh” under Universal Records proves it. Julie Anne started her singing career with pop songs, then she did ballads and acoustic ditties. She described her current sound as “electronic dance music and contempora­ry with R&B-ish.”

What’s with the album title, we asked.

According to her, it was a word that came to her from nowhere while caught in traffic one day.

On hindsight, Julie Anne said it actually fits her.

“I can relate to it. From different genres to this one, the songs I write have bloomed. It’s about my evolution,” she said.

She has 11 tracks in the album, one of which, “Tayong Dalawa,” is her compositio­n. It’s about long-distance relationsh­ip. The song was inspired by friends who went through it.

“So, I decided to write a song about it and then I told to my friends that they should listen to it and I’m happy that they liked it and they’re thankful about it,” she said.

On working with producer Marcus Davis, Julie Anne said he is a cool guy and very talented.

Whose music does she listen to these days? They include those by Rihanna, Sabrina Claudio, Daniel Caesar, and Miguel.

“I’m more into indie songs because I like it better, it’s new to my ears.”

As for her songwritin­g process, Julie goes by mood. Sometimes she starts by writing poems then setting it to music.

“I have this software on my phone, GarageBand, and there I write and create my beats. That’s what I do whenever I’m bored,” she said.

Julie Anne is set to release a collaborat­ion project with her co-Universal Records artist Fernando Tan a.k.a. Fern.

The singer-actress praised the 17year-old musician, finding him “very talented.”

Julie recalled that when they were doing the recording, everything fell into place.

“We’re on the same page in terms of ideas. We are just so spontaneou­s about it, and he’s so cool,” she said.

Soon, Julie Anne would love to work with new artist Shanti Dope.

“He’s really so down to earth and really so talented,” she related.

Julie Anne is open to join theater, to do musicals. She said she has always looked up to Lea Salonga, especially when she did “Sun And Moon” from “Miss Saigon.”

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