Manila Bulletin




ARIES (March 21-April 20) – You will be more independen­t but should not ignore what others think and consider their opinions carefully. Though not all things are as you wished them to be, do consider how much there is to your liking. See to it that your children know how much you appreciate their achievemen­ts. TAURUS (April 21-May 20) – If you are in any doubt about whether what you are about to do is right, don’t do it. On the other hand, there is no need to be pessimisti­c or to have any doubts about your abilities in defined areas. Draw upon your willpower to overcome a reluctance to handle what now needs to be done. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) – Yes, you are on the right track, but seek not to run out of determinat­ion before the task is done. This is going to be a rather exciting day so try to keep calm. You will be able to do something that really interests you. A process that has not gone right will now produce better results. CANCER (June 21-July 20) – Give serious considerat­ion to the views of others. Do not however allow yourself to be persuaded to do what you do not think is right. Instead of being too self-centered, seek to take more interest in what concerns those close to you. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) – Something that has long puzzled you will now become clear. The answer could not possibly occurred to you before, but be glad the matter is now settled. You will now be able to establish a closer link between yourself and your friends. VIRGO (Aug 21-Sept. 22) – There will always be a certain reluctance to do what has to be done, but most times you will have the willpower to overcome it. Beware for you are liable to be preoccupie­d with something that is actually not as important as it first appeared. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – You will feel better if you do not go to extremes, so eat sensibly, take adequate exercise, get enough rest and try to keep calm. Do not be too quick to find fault, but do not ignore a definite fault you have come upon. Do not leave more to chance then is absolutely necessary. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) – The more you hasten, the less speed you are likely to make, but that must not be taken as an excuse or pretext for being lethargic or tardy. You will not be pleased with the way things are going but you can still improve matters and it would be best to accept other things as they are for the moment. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) – It will be tempting for you to take the road that is easiest. Instead do what you know you should do. Even if more difficult, it will be well worth it. This is no better time to be reckless in money matters than any other so be very careful of investment offers. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) – Avoid being too independen­t to accept help or to cooperate, but nor should you allow yourself to become dependent on the help of others. There seems to be an unusual opportunit­y. However right now you would do well not to take any unusual risks. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) – You will be able to put your ‘know how’ to good use and should try to ensure your technique does not get out of date. You will at last succeed in getting right what has persistent­ly gone wrong. It just shows it is always worth trying a new approach even though it is not always easy to find the right one. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) – Try to do all you can to avoid becoming bored in the process of doing something that has to be done. If however, you cannot do so right now, there is no point in continuing to worry. An investment in time and effort you made a while ago will now begin to produce encouragin­g results.

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