Manila Bulletin

Too early to panic


THE noticeable decline in the performanc­e and trust ratings of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is no reason for paranoia or panic provided the slide does not spiral downwards like the latter days of PGMA.

The key, among other corrective measures, towards addressing and bringing the country to an even keel, is for the President to review and refocus his attention and priorities on urgent matters.

While admittedly some of the problems are externally induced such as oil, strong dollar and trade war, the rest are within our power by working shoulder to shoulder and going back to basics, that is, rice, jobs, and poverty alleviatio­n.

President Duterte must provide the inspiratio­n and hands-on leadership instead of admonition­s and vendetta.

First, President Digong Duterte is relatively hail and healthy for a septuagena­rian politician.

From past personal experience, severe migraine attacks, which can last several days, are excruciati­ngly painful, exacerbati­ng, and can render one dysfunctio­nal while the pain lasts, but migraine is not death threatenin­g.

If President Duterte suffers from other ailments that come with age, such as kidney, liver, prostate, or heart, proper care and medication can prolong life, in which case Pres. Duterte need not step down or be ousted as he will retire with a flourish in 2022, and live to a ripe old age of 80 and beyond.

Indeed, while PDU30 may not be as fit as a fiddle, he remains tireless, proactive, and zestful.

Second, agent provocateu­rs’ destabiliz­ation attempts, coup plots, and “Red October” will not happen or be imminent as there is neither a “critical mass” nor an agitated military nor a well-funded oligarchic or elitist middle class driving force wanting a regime change.

While the Communist Party is a spent force, rebel forces and radical elements will continue to thrive as long as poverty and underdevel­opment stalk the countrysid­e.

However, the volatile situation and spreading discontent are a wake-up call for President Duterte who needs to review his priorities and obsessions, and focus more on the economic wants and population pressure.

Summing up, there is no room for complacenc­y and reckless seat-ofpants policy changes that may be anti business or anti poor.

When all is said and done, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the administra­tion should not take the hefty decline in the performanc­e and trust ratings in a cavalier manner and arrogance.

The decline in the ratings is symptomati­c of policy disarray and lack of leadership.

You be the judge.

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