Manila Bulletin

1st Sunday of Advent: Prepare for Jesus


The Roman Catholic Church marks the First Sunday of Advent today, the time for the faithful to “to prepare and be ready to welcome Jesus,” a Church leader urged.

“The season of Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s liturgical year, her new year. Advent means ‘coming.’ It is the season of waiting for the coming of Jesus,” said Balanga Bishop Ruperto C. Santos, the head of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippine­s-Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People.

Santos reminds the faithful that Jesus “does not only come on Christmas but every day.

“Jesus came more than 2,000 years ago, and this is what we celebrate on Christmas Day, His first coming. But do not forget that He comes to us every day – when we celebrate the sacraments and even through the people we meet, those who are asking for help and those whom we had helped and served. And He will come again to judge us at the end our life here on earth,” the prelate said. 4 Ps of Advent

Santos urged the faithful to observe the Four Ps of Advent – preparatio­n, penitence, performanc­e of good deeds, prayer.

“Be prepared, let us be ready and worthy to welcome Him. Let us make our words and deeds pleasing to Him and pleasant to all, not offensive nor abusive.”

“Be penitent, that is, we are contrite for what did and we change our ways for good. Be converted and do reparation­s for all the wrong that we have done.”

“Perform good deeds in our family, in our work to provide what is true, good, and moral to other people. “

“Be prayerful. To pray is to speak, to relate to God. To pray is to give time to God, making God first. Let us pray for the good of one another. Pray for the good of our country and live what we pray,” he said.

“When we perform these four Ps, we will experience daily the coming of Jesus to us. Graces and blessings will come to us. A season of Advent in our lives indeed,” the Church leader stressed.

Santos also reminded the faithful “to go to confession as part of their spiritual preparatio­n for the Birth of Christ.” Advent wreath

Meanwhile, in all Catholic churches across the country today, priests in purple vestments, the color of penitence and fasting, as well as of royalty, will bless Advent wreaths adorned with four candles: three purple candles, which symbolize anticipati­on and hope, and one pink candle for joy. It is arranged in a circle of evergreen to symbolize eternal life.

Some Advent wreaths include a white candle, which symbolizes Christ, and which is usually lit during the Christmas Eve mass. Lighting of candle

After the reading of a short devotional, one of the three purple candles will be lighted to signify that “Jesus is the light of the world.”

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