Manila Bulletin

PNP bans cops from drinking in bars, public places


Director General Oscar Albayalde, chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), warned yesterday all policemen to refrain from going to bars and nightclubs and other public drinking places and establishm­ents even if they are in civilian attire.

This, he said, is in compliance with the directive of President Duterte for policemen not to drink in public places as this only results in loss of respect for the uniformed service.

“This is a specific directive of the Chief Executive, violation of which is tantamount to grave misconduct that is punishable by dismissal from the service,” said Albayalde.

The official specifical­ly pointed to nightclubs, beer gardens, karaoke bars, and pubs, as strictly off limits to all PNP personnel. It all includes what he describes as establishm­ents of ill-repute, illegal gambling dens and other places devoted to vices.

He then reminded all personnel to conduct themselves properly at all times in keeping with the rules and regulation­s of the organizati­on in accord with the PNP Ethical Doctrine and the Code of Profession­al Conduct and Ethical Standards.

Based on the PNP Ethical Doctrine: “PNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and decency and shall set good examples for others to follow. In no instance during their terms of office, among other things, shall they be involved as owners, operators, managers or investors in any house of ill-repute or illegal gambling den or other places devoted to vices, nor they shall patronize such places unless on official duty, and tolerate operations of such establishm­ents in their respective areas of responsibi­lities.”

Chief Supt. Benigno Durana, PNP spokesman, said that they are not totally preventing their men to engage in drinking session with friends and relatives.

For instance, policemen in civilian attire could engage in casual drinking in restaurant­s and function halls during special occasions such as birthdays or weddings.

What the PNP prohibits, he said, is for them to do the drinking session in places with bad reputation and those which cater to the drinking vices of customers, such as bars.

“Is it a violation of their rights? No it is not, because the moment you enter the uniformed service, you also surrender some of your rights,” said Durana.

Albayalde said those who would be in serious trouble will be those who would dare to drink in public places while wearing the police uniform.

Aside from drinking alcohol, policemen are also prohibited smoking in public places while wearing the uniform.

The official said that such reminders are part of the discipline that must always be observed by the policemen, being a public servant that should also serve as role models particular­ly to children.

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