Manila Bulletin

‘Usman’ victims get psychosoci­al counseling


The Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t (DSWD) is providing psychosoci­al counseling to patients who were injured from the devastatio­n caused by Tropical Depression “Usman” last December.

Social workers from the DSWD field office in Bicol visited the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital in Albay to check on the Usman victims.

An orientatio­n on DSWD programs was also provided to familiariz­e the patients of the medical assistance they can take advantage of through the Assistance to Individual­s in Crisis Situation (AICS) program.

AICS provides support to the recovery of individual­s and families from unexpected crisis such as illness or death of a family member through natural and man-made calamities, and other crisis situations.

“Because I live alone, I have no one to accompany me in the hospital. I thank the DSWD for visiting me and I hope that they can help me to finance the medication that I need,” said Nesturio Consulta, one of the patients brought to BRTTH after his leg was injured during the onslaught of Usman.

Meanwhile, the Department is also continuous­ly conducting interview, assessment, and payouts of R5,000 to families in need of burial and medical assistance.

One of the recipients of the DSWD’s burial assistance is Melissa Dubos from Barangay Bariis in Tiwi, Albay. Her partner was electrocut­ed during a landslide last Dec. 29.

So far, the Department has already provided R36,250,400.69 worth of assistance to the families affected by Usman, of which, R26,478,800.75 worth of aid was provided to the families in Bicol Region.

“We want to express our deepest condolence­s to the families who lost their loved ones during the recent calamity. Rest assured that the DSWD will continue to provide comfort and assist you as you recover from the devastatio­n that you experience­d,” DSWD spokespers­on Glenda Relova said.

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