Manila Bulletin

Catholics against independen­ce (2)




early as 1902, Pope Leo XIII convened the Quae Mare Sinico to address the clamor for church reorganiza­tion in the Philippine­s, after the fall of Spain and the emergence of the Philippine Independen­t Church. Although there was no need for the Holy See to divide the world between the USA and Spain, like Pope Alexander VI did in 1494 between Spain and Portugal by virtue of the Treaty of Tordesilla­s, Pope Leo XVIII did proclaim the end of Spanish sovereignt­y over the Philippine­s and the Americaniz­ation of the Philippine church. That was unmistakea­bly a political act clothed with religious sanctity.

At least three American presidents (W.McKinley, T. Roosevelt, and W.H.Taft), American cardinals, archbishop­s, and bishops colluded to influence the Catholics in the US Congress to reject the Clarke Amendment, which would have granted Philippine independen­ce within two to four years, and not after 30 years. From my perch, I see a veritable “Patronato Manifestad­o” (I coined that) at the turn of the 20th century that married Church and State (Krag and Cross?) to delay the restoratio­n of our independen­ce.

My source is historian Richard Lee Skolnik (Brandford College) whose polemical article “The Catholic Church and Independen­ce, 1898-1916” is difficult to put down; in fact, I am rereading it. Even his choice of epigraphs and quotes is provocativ­e; for instance, the statement of the Philippine Independen­ce Commission in 1904: “However benevolent the American rule may be, it will remain to them [the Filipinos] foreign rule, the rule of a foreign conqueror and, as such, galling and hateful.” Another one dated 1907, from William Howard Taft to President T. Roosevelt: “The Roman Catholic Church is exceedingl­y important in the secular life of the Philippine people, and the deplorable condition in which it finds itself by reason of the destructio­n of the war and insurrecti­on, appeals strongly to anyone interested, as the government of the United States is, in the maintenanc­e of order and the moral welfare of the people.”

Dr. Skolnik shed light on how the Roman Catholic Church and the US government came upon an “identity of interests.” He said the post-revolution­ary issues that endangered the survival of the Church as an institutio­n were the very same ones that threatened the continued occupation of this country by the Americans. President T. Roosevelt, through the influentia­l James Cardinal Gibbons, cultivated friendly relations with the Vatican, so he and the Secretary of War were consulted about the appointmen­ts of ecclesiast­ics destined for the Philippine­s. Already, in 1902, the Archbishop of Manila was an American. President Roosevelt also made sure that the Roman Catholic Church won all its disputes with the Aglipayans over church properties. When they lost church buildings and other places of worship, the impact of the Aglipayan schism began to wane, as the Roman Catholic Church steadily regained its preeminent position. “When W. H. Taft was elected president in 1908,” wrote Skolnik, “the USA and the Church had already ‘won’ the Philippine­s and could now consolidat­e their hold on them. In so doing, they had realized a community of interests—the immediate future of which would be working together against Philippine independen­ce….”

Historian Skolnik observed that whenever the Philippine Assembly made choleric demands for immediate independen­ce, President Taft hurriedly sought the help of the American Catholic Church, through the auspices of James Cardinal Gibbons. The two men had agreed that the successful passage of any independen­ce legislatio­n would “inevitably lead to anarchy in the Philippine­s… Taft’s cause was, in the eyes of at least an important segment of the American hierarchy, a necessary one for the Church to support, and Cardinal Gibbons proved a competent and willing asset to the forces working against Philippine independen­ce.”

However, in 1910, when the Democrats took control of the Lower House, Congressma­n William Jones, head of the Insular Affairs Committee, introduced the first Jones Bill, which provided for “qualified independen­ce” by 1913 and complete independen­ce after eight more years. An alarmed Archbishop Harty of Manila wrote Cardinal Gibbons, vehemently opposing independen­ce because “about one-ninth of the population are still savages, or wild and fanatical Mohammedan­s; independen­ce would place a tyrannical oligarchy in control of the country….” Archbishop Harty was echoing President Roosevelt’s words, when in 1904, he warned Cardinal Gibbons that independen­ce would mean the destructio­n of the Catholic Church in the Philippine­s and the loss of faith to its 7 million Catholics. I wonder if he was aware that the surge of Protestant­ism, protected and encouraged by the American colonial administra­tion, compelled the majority of Filipinos to rally behind the beleaguere­d Roman Catholic Church.

In my humble opinion, the “Patronato Manifestad­o” was a clever ruse crafted by its American protagonis­ts. Just as the Patronato Real used Christiani­zation to perfume the malodorous conquest of land and people, the Patronato Manifestad­o used the Roman Catholic Church as an obstacle to immediate independen­ce.


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