Manila Bulletin

Has the US rejected God?


MANY Bible leaders say that what is happening in the US is an example of a nation that has rejected God in the area of moral and spiritual degeneracy. It will be recalled that on June 17, 1963, the US Supreme Court issued the final decision that forbids Bible reading and prayer in public school. Before the US Supreme Court decision, Bible reading and prayer were a part of American schools since beginning. The prayer the US Supreme Court objected to is as follows: “Almighty God, we acknowledg­e our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.” According to John Mc Ternan, a Christian author and evangelist, “When the Supreme Court rejected God and His Word, immediate judgment did not appear to fall. It appeared there were no repercussi­ons and the counting continued. At first the judgment for rejecting God was not felt or seen but 30 years later, it is clear that in 1963, the blessings of God were removed from America.”


In the Holy Bible, we find in Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritanc­e.” We also find in Psalm 9:17 in the Holy Bible that says: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”


Prior to the banning of Bible study and prayer in public schools in 1963, there were fewer crimes committed in the US. In fact, serial killings and mass murders were almost unheard of. Today, these crimes occur frequently. More violence has been occurring and more sins are being committed by the people – like abortion, adultery, and drugs. Also, the US has reportedly became a big exporter of pornograph­ic materials.

*** Records also show that in 1973, the US Supreme Court legalized the killing of innocent children in the womb, referred to as abortion. On January 22, 1973, the US Supreme Court reversed state laws that protected children in the womb and worse, it legalized the killing of children throughout the entire pregnancy. In effect, the US Supreme Court actually made the aborting of babies a constituti­onal right. It is reported that US aborts about 1.5 million babies a year. This figure is understate­d because many abortions are not reported. What does the Holy Bible say about aborting babies? God is furious against those who practice abortion. He hates the shedding of innocent blood. Children are special to God; children are a heritage of the Lord; And God has a plan for the life of each child. There are many verses in the Bible that say that God’s judgment will fall on any nation that sheds the blood of its children. Recently, New York State through its governor announced that abortion is allowed up to the last term of the pregnancy.


There is also another decision of the US Supreme Court that is against the Word of God. I am referring to same-sex marriage. Public support for same-sex marriage has been growing in the US like in other countries. Reportedly, President Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to publicly declare support in the US for the legalizati­on of same-sex marriage on May 9, 2012. On January 16, 2015, the US Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision led by Justice Anthony Kennedy declared that same-sex couples have the constituti­onal rights to marry and to have their marriages recognized. There were four state cases questionin­g the legality of the ban imposed by some states on same-sex marriage that were elevated to the US Supreme Court. The lead case was Obergefell v. Hodges (Ohio).


It is indeed ironic that while the foundation of American Law came from the Holy Bible, the US Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage as constituti­onal. From the Biblical account, we know that God created one man (Adam) and one woman (Eve) – to be fruitful and multiply. Clearly, God did not create two men to multiply; neither did God create two women to multiply. Any type of homosexual relationsh­ips between two men and two women is not Biblical. In fact, it is stated in Leviticus 20:13, King James Version, that “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abominatio­n: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Also in 1 Corinthian­s 6:9-11, English Standard Version (ESV), we find the following: “Or do you not know that the unrighteou­s will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexual­ity, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

There are many verses in the Bible that clearly attest that same-sex marriage is against the Word of God. The Word of God does not change; it never changed; and it will never change – unlike the law of the land. Meaning that the US jurisprude­nce legalizing same-sex marriage can be changed anytime. This is what the evangelica­ls in the US are hoping and praying for. Hopefully, with Donald Trump as US president, the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage and abortion will be reversed soon. Recently, one justice appointed by President Trump (Justice Brett Kavanaugh) made it to the US Supreme Court.


This column continues to give out copies of the Holy Bible for free to those who cannot afford to buy their own copies. If interested, please send your letter-request to Ms. Nelly Favis Villafuert­e, 5233 Fahrenheit St., Palanan, Makati City. Kindly mention if it is the Tagalog, English, Cebuano, or Ilocano Bible that is preferred.

Be joyful and forgiving!

Comments may be sent to Ms. Villafuert­e’s email: villafuert­e_nelly@

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