Manila Bulletin

Think before you tweet

- By IGNACIO R. BUNYE Note: You may email us at totingbuny­ If you “like” this article, feel free to share it via Facebook and/or Twitter.

WE live in rapidly changing times, thanks to the technologi­cal wonders of Internet and social media. As fast, as we can click and send, we can broadcast messages to friends, relatives, and to just about anybody, anywhere in the world. This despite the fact that Philippine­s remains the slowest and most expensive – in terms of connectivi­ty – in this part of the world.

Then US presidenti­al candidate Barack Obama was among the first world leaders to realize the vast potential of social media as a platform for broadcasti­ng campaign messages. And Obama won against a less tech-savvy opponent by quite a margin.

According to Twitter, Obama was for a long time the record holder of the biggest number of Twitter followers (47 million plus) until he was overtaken by US TV personalit­y Ellen Degeneres.

Following the Obama model, then candidate/now President Donald Trump likewise tweets daily, earning himself the sobriquet “Commander-in-Tweet.” Trump has a reported following of 26.9 million. Most observers, however, find disconcert­ing Trump’s brand of twiplomacy.

The Vatican is not to be outdone. Retired Pope Benedict XVI became the very first pope to use Twitter. Pope Francis I, a relative late-comer, is catching up fast with 14.1 million followers and counting.

Former President Benigno Aquino III had a reported 3.4 million followers.

President Rody Duterte might not be into it personally. But his staff certainly realize the value of social media in the presidenti­al communicat­ion program. Foreign Secretary Teddy Boy Locsin is quite active in Twitter.

In homes, schools, communitie­s, and just about any place where one has access to a computer, an iPod, or a smart phone, every Juan and Maria of practicall­y all ages are sending and receiving messages via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Viber, and what have you.

The message is unmistakab­le. Social media is a very powerful tool for communicat­ion and is with us to stay.

And here is where Uncle Ben’s advice to Spider-Man should always be top-of-mind: With great power comes great responsibi­lity.

This message has been re-echoed by Pope Francis. While acknowledg­ing that “the Internet, text messages, social networks, and chats are ‘a gift from God’” as they can be ‘fully human forms of communicat­ion,’” the Pontiff cautions that we must “use wisely the means at our disposal.”

The papal caveat arises from the very nature of the technology available.

Messages – true or not – have the potential of going viral in minutes, if not in seconds.

“The speed with which informatio­n is communicat­ed exceeds our capacity for reflection and judgment, and this does not make for more balanced and proper forms of expression,” Pope Francis said.

Social media has become a twoedged blade. On one hand, it can be used to inform and raise awareness. But it can also be misused for spreading alternativ­e truths and as weapon for maligning, defrauding, and even harming others.

The cloak of anonymity afforded by social media has given rise to armies of trolls who derive enjoyment in disrupting/disturbing discussion­s, bashing personalit­ies, or just simply annoying others.

Wittingly or unwittingl­y, careless social media participan­ts give out personal informatio­n which expose them to identity theft, financial scams, blackmail, sexual exploitati­on, and security threats.

Because of the foregoing, do we need to give up Facebook and Twitter?

Not at all. As long as we do not become prisoners in our virtual reality. And also for as long as we follow the common-sense advice of practicing responsibi­lity in the web:

Think before you tweet. Think some more before you re-tweet, share, or forward any message.

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