Manila Bulletin

Trump moves to strangle Iran economy as nuclear deal withers


WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Donald Trump on Wednesday tightened the screws further on Iran with sanctions on its mining industry after a frustrated Tehran said it would suspend some promises it made under a nuclear deal rejected by Washington.

On the anniversar­y of Trump's withdrawal from the accord he denounced as ''horrible,'' tensions were soaring as the United States deployed an aircraft carrier strike group and nuclear-capable bombers to the region and accused Iran of ''imminent'' attacks.

In an announceme­nt previewed for days, Iran said it would immediatel­y stop implementi­ng some restrictio­ns under the 2015 deal – a move aimed largely at pressing Washington's European allies to step up to preserve the agreement.

Tehran said it would abandon even more if the remaining parties to the agreement – Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia – failed to start delivering on their commitment­s to sanctions relief within 60 days.

President Hassan Rouhani said the ultimatum was intended to rescue the nuclear deal from Trump, whose sanctions have caused severe pain in Iran -- which had anticipate­d an economic boon from the agreement negotiated under then-president Barack Obama.

''We felt the (deal) needed surgery and that the year-long sedatives have not delivered any result. This surgery is meant to save the (deal), not destroy it,'' Rouhani said at a cabinet meeting broadcast live on state television.

Rouhani denounced European countries for seeing the United States as the world's ''sheriff'' and said their view kept them from making ''firm decisions for their own national interests.''

Trump quickly fired back as he moved to inflict greater economic pain on Iran, imposing sanctions that would punish anyone who buys or trades the country's iron, steel, aluminum and copper.

The White House had already acted forcefully to prevent all countries from buying Iran's oil – its crucial money-maker -- and said that the steel and mining sector was the country's second-largest source of foreign revenue, accounting for 10 percent of exports.

''Tehran can expect further actions unless it fundamenta­lly alters its conduct,'' Trump said in a statement.

But in a shift in tone, Trump – who talked tough on North Korea before two landmark summits with leader Kim Jong Un -- said he was willing to negotiate face-to-face.

''I look forward to someday meeting with the leaders of Iran in order to work out an agreement and, very importantl­y, taking steps to give Iran the future it deserves,'' he said.

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