Manila Bulletin



THE “ber” months, Jose Mari Chan’s voice, and the countdowns on TVs and radios are all reminders that the Christmas season is just around the corner. It is also a reminder that our traffic nightmare is about to get worse.

We are reminded once more about the impending “carmaggedo­n” by the 2019 report published by the Asian Developmen­t Bank which ranked Metro Manila as the most congested city out of all 278 cities in developing Asia.

This is not surprising, of course. We already know, by experience, how horrendous traffic is in Metro Manila. But the ADB study does offer some unique insights on the role of cities in generating growth and the need to ensure mobility in order for cities to be inclusive.

Not to mention a cool and creative approach in studying congestion among Asian cities. The ADB study was based on collected projected trip data from Google maps for 278 natural cities in 28 regional economies with population­s greater than half a million.

Using this methodolog­y the ADB found that Metro Manila had a congestion value of 1.5, with Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur coming in second with a congestion index of 1.4 and Myanmar’s Yangon third with a congestion index of 1.38. A 1.5 congestion value means that 50 percent more time is needed to travel during peak hours than during off-peak hours. For reference, the average congestion of all sampled cities was at 1.24.

Part of the problem has to do with rapid population growth. The report noted that the number of urban inhabitant­s in developing Asia has increased almost fivefold since 1970, from 375 million to 1.84 billion in 2017. This jump represente­d 53% of global urban population growth from 1970 to 2017. In addition, Asia’s urban population is expected to grow from more than 1.8 billion people in 2017 to almost 3.0 billion in 2050, increasing the urban share of the population from 46% to 64%.

But what I like about the ADB report is that it paints cities — despite overpopula­tion and related urban problems — as engines of growth and as creators of productive employment. The study asserted that cities generate economic growth and good jobs becoming “the locus of structural transforma­tion and innovation, where more productive firms, better-paying jobs, and key institutio­ns and amenities are located”.

It also hinted at a possible policy solution to the problem of congestion when it noted that “medium-sized and smaller cities — home to 62% of the urban population — may need more attention”. This is the reason why I have been advocating for the longest time for government to make the strategic move of moving developmen­t outside Metro Manila. We need good infrastruc­ture and conducive business environmen­ts in order to attract investment and people away from the capital.

But more than economic growth and employment, cities need to be inclusive and livable. The ADB report emphasized the need to make transporta­tion efficient and affordable. It also called for the provision of essential infrastruc­ture such as planned road networks accompanyi­ng, land-use plans and regulation­s that ensure environmen­tal sustainabi­lity as well as “measures to promote affordable housing”. I plan to discuss that last portion in my future columns.

The report correctly urged government­s to“increase investment in public transport infrastruc­ture to enlarge and improve the quantity of road and rail networks” in order to improve urban mobility, which “enables people to move easily and quickly between locations within an urban area”.

I am very hopeful that the Duterte administra­tion’s “Build, Build, Build” program will modernize the country’s infrastruc­ture network by putting up roads, railways, bridges, airports, and irrigation systems, aimed at ushering in the golden age of infrastruc­ture.

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