Manila Bulletin

US House votes to advance Trump impeachmen­t process


WASHINGTON (AFP) – A deeply divided Congress formally opened a new, public phase of its investigat­ion into Donald Trump on Thursday as US lawmakers voted for the first time to advance the impeachmen­t process targeting the US president.

''Today the House takes the next step forward as we establish the procedures for open hearings... so that the public can see the facts for themselves,'' said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Washington's top Democrat.

''What is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.''

The House of Representa­tives voted along party lines, 232 to 196, to pass a resolution that lays out guidelines for the next stages of the impeachmen­t process.

All Republican­s opposed the measure, despite agitating for weeks for such a vote that could end the secretive deposition­s and bring the process into the open.

Democrats are seeking to learn whether Trump abused his presidenti­al power by pressuring a foreign government to investigat­e a domestic political rival.

Trump has repeatedly branded the inquiry illegitima­te and said it is politicall­y motivated, a theme he returned to in the wake of the vote.

''The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!'' he said on Twitter.

The White House accused opposition Democrats of being ''fundamenta­lly un-American'' in their ''unhinged obsession with this illegitima­te impeachmen­t.''

''Democrats are choosing every day to waste time on a sham impeachmen­t – a blatantly partisan attempt to destroy the President,'' Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in the statement after the vote.

Trump meanwhile called on his fellow Republican­s to support him even as he faced the embarrassi­ng likelihood of becoming the third president in history to be impeached and placed on trial for removal in the Senate, over an alleged scheme to extort Ukraine's help to get him reelected in 2020.

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