Manila Bulletin

Foreign troop deployment­s in Iraq


PARIS (AFP) - Some foreign troops deployed in Iraq are being moved amid heightened concerns over possible Iranian retaliatio­n for the killing of a top Iranian commander, Qasem Soleimani, last week on orders of US President Donald Trump.

Here are the countries that have made announceme­nts about temporary withdrawal­s or remaining in Iraq:

United States: US Defense Secretary Mark Esper says the United States is not pulling its troops out of Iraq. There are 5,200 US soldiers stationed there, the largest contingent as part of the internatio­nal coalition fighting the Islamic State jihadist group.

Earlier Iraqi premier Adel Abdel Mahdi said he had received signed copies of a US letter describing steps to ''move out'' of the country.

''There is no signed letter, to the best of my knowledge,'' Esper said.

''At some point we want to get out, but this isn't the right point,'' President Donald Trump said. ''It's the worst thing that could happen to Iraq.''

Canada: Canada's General Jonathan Vance, chief of defense staff, says around 500 Canadian troops will be temporaril­y moved to neighborin­g Kuwait to ensure their safety amid rising tensions.

''The situation in Iraq is complex and it is best to pause our work there in order to fully concentrat­e our attention and efforts toward the safety and security of our personnel while the situation develops,'' Vance said.

Germany: Germany has temporaril­y withdrawn some of its 120 troops from Iraq. A total of 32 German soldiers based in Camp Taji near Baghdad were flown to the al-Azraq airforce base in Jordan, the German military said in a statement. Three others went to Kuwait.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said German troops are in the country at the Iraqi government's invitation.

''If that is no longer the case... then the legal basis for us to be there is missing. We have to clarify this with those responsibl­e in Baghdad,'' he said.

France: A French government source told AFP there are no plans to pull troops out of Iraq. France has contribute­d around 200 soldiers to the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State jihadist group (IS), of whom 160 are tasked with training Iraqi military personnel, according to the defense ministry

''The priority today is the same as it was yesterday and should be tomorrow: the fight against Daesh and its resurgence on the ground in the Middle East, and its propaganda on the internet,'' Defense Minister Florence Parly tweeted, using an Arabic acronym for IS.

NATO: After suspending its training mission in Iraq following the killing of Soleimani, NATO is also temporaril­y reposition­ing some personnel outside Iraq.

A NATO official said other mission personnel were being moved to other parts of Iraq, and emphasized that ''NATO maintains a presence.''

Romania: Romania's defense ministry says it has 14 soldiers participat­ing in the NATO mission in Iraq and they will be ''temporaril­y relocated to another coalition base.''

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis called on the European Union to have ''a stronger voice'' in reacting to the crisis unleashed by the killing of the Iranian general.

Hungary: Hungary's defense minister Tibor Benko said Hungarian soldiers in Iraq were ready for evacuation ''if necessary'', but that they would remain unless asked to withdraw, the official MTI agency reported.

Around 200 Hungarian soldiers are stationed in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil, both as part of NATO's training mission and the broader coalition against the Islamic State group.

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