Manila Bulletin

SRA board split over high cost of sugar, importatio­n


The long-standing issue on the high cost of sugar in the country and importatio­n has divided the Sugar Regulatory Administra­tion (SRA) board, with two members going against SRA Administra­tor Hermenegil­do Serafica.

This was after Serafica supposedly agreed with Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez that domestic food processors and other end-users should be allowed to import sugar if the price of locally produced sugar could not match the ₱1,900 per kilo bag of imported sugar.

In a joint statement, SRA Board Members Emilio Yulo and Roland Beltran issued a “disclaimer” with regards to this “supposed” agreement.

“Arriving at a benchmark price without consultati­on with stakeholde­rs is disastrous and Administra­tor Serafica must not attribute such agreement to SRA as we have not been consulted about the matter, much less our constituen­cy that has been questionin­g the recent statements and or agreements made by Secretary Lopez in that meeting with Administra­tor Serafica and domestic food processors,” Yulo and Beltran said.

Chaired by Agricultur­e Secretary William Dar, SRA Board is composed of four members, including Serafica, Yulo, and Beltran. Yulo is representi­ng the sugar planters in the board, while Beltran is representi­ng the millers.

Yulo and Beltran said that Serafica must clarify to the sugar industry that such agreement with Lopez in principle “is his own personal position and not that of the industry that was not privy to such decisions.”

“We would also like to caution the Administra­tor in making commitment­s or decisions without consultati­on as any position he takes can be construed as a policy statement which can be disastrous to the industry if not properly consulted,” they further said.

“We had to parry questions and accusation­s from our constituen­ts as a result of the recent pronouncem­ents of Secretary Lopez, attributin­g the same to the Administra­tor,” they added.

Then they reiterated their position that importatio­n is not the solution for alleged high domestic prices of sugar.

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