Manila Bulletin

With or Without Her


While making adjustment­s to their production­s in compliance with guidelines under the new normal, management informed the concerned talents of the resumption of their taping. A Prized Talent (PT) responded upon seeing the guidelines and added her own. PT preferred to have the gold standard COVID-19 testing, while the network has given the signal only for rapid testing. The gold standard is more expensive and would take time, as the results would have to go through the DOH. PT does not want that only for herself, but for everyone who will return to the production. If her request will not be met, she will allegedly not return to work.

The network is recovering from the losses of the past months and PT’s request would eat a chunk of the budget. But PT raised the fact that she is protecting her family. Then, she raised the idea that she would not mind being cut out of the project if her request will not be met and she will not be angry at such decision. In addition to the gold test, PT wants her glam team of five with her. The requiremen­t is that one should do one’s makeup and PT was not keen on that idea. PT has to maintain her look for the project and she needs her team to ensure that.

The bosses were told of PT’s requests and they said they will review her needs. Hence, the schedule of her project was put on hold. Allegedly, the script has been placed under revision with no PT for the meantime and the creatives will attempt to see if the series can end without PT.

Saved by Love

When Versatile Celebrity (VC) was cast in a project with Tipsy Party (TP), he did not realize what would happen behind the scenes. In the project, VC and TP played lovers and love scenes were part of the script. The production had no problem with motivation, as TP was giving her all with VC whenever the cameras rolled. The problem happened when the cameras stopped rolling. TP would flirt with VC and poke his abs, even if she knew he was committed with Low Profile Girlfriend (LG).

While on location, the shooting ended early and TP treated the boys to a round of drinks. TP became tipsy and VC as well. The staff did not put malice when TP brought VC to his room. They knew VC was seriously in love with LG, but they also realized TP did not leave the room of VC until morning. Someone then asked TP if she slept in VC’s room. She gave an affirmativ­e answer and added they talked the night away until they fell asleep. As expected, the response raised eyebrows.

The incident reached LG, who confronted VC about his action. VC insisted nothing but talking happened during the time with TP in his room.

Later on, LG admitted to a friend that the doubt was quite great and it endangered the status of their relationsh­ip. The two had been saving up for their special day and life together. The incident almost made that day unattainab­le, but the love of VC and LG prevailed. The two survived the seemingly innocent threat of TP. Meanwhile, TP has moved on to a new man.

Ahead of You

In a certain community, neighbors were surprised to see a chair in front of the house of Seasoned Actress (SA). What was more curious was that it was there all the time. Her helpers would even be the first to bring out the chair ahead of everyone else.

Unlike most of her contempora­ries, SA had a string of projects with a network and appearance­s in movies. Thus, she had means of living prior to the stoppage of work due to the pandemic. Hence, SA was expected to behave like other neighbors. That is, many homes in her area have put up signs that their households did not need the relief goods and that they preferred their allocation be given to those who need it more.

As to whether SA’s household partakes of such goods or she gives them away remains a question. The only thing sure is that her neighbours, who are not as well-off as SA, have forfeited their share for others.

 ??  ?? Illustrati­ons by Rod Cañalita
Illustrati­ons by Rod Cañalita
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