Manila Bulletin



It is easy to let go of all earthly concerns when you remain basically a child of God.” – Filmmaker Marilou Diaz-Abaya

My friend and I Never really attempted to find God In unlikely places. She found Him in a hospital Where many years back Something that looked fatal Was found somewhere In her body. Weeks of endless waiting For results yielded the good news: It was false alarm. Her succeeding recital Was a virtual thanksgivi­ng concert And she found God looking over her shoulders. She said: ‘I think I was meant to play Till age 104.’ Our other common friend Was not so lucky. Seven years of chemos Gave her just enough time To appear in her last film And write her last book. I let out a howl of grief When I learned of her death At age 57. My friend can’t come To see her for the last time. She did what she could To manage her grief. She found it In Chopin’s funeral sonata And played it with all her heart With our common friend In mind. Two years ago, She figured in three recitals In the south that Had audiences Cheering with endless ovations. At the end of the engagement­s, She took a break and found herself Wading through the sea water Of Iloilo where she once played As a young girl for the benefit Of an orphanage. This is one Of her rare rendezvous

With nature. She had a slice of the ocean All to herself. The sea was calm. And the wind blew At her face As though it was her Big moment of solitude. Then she saw What looked like A rosary floating In the waters As if by design. ‘I found this floating in the waters And I thought it looked good On my wrist,’ she said. I believe we have not said Rosaries in our lifetime Or visited churches Or joined procession­s. We try to find God in her music That brought her the essential life As she wanted it. We had always figured There must be A touch of the divine in the audiences Who are at once hushed With every note touched By her hands. As we reflect on her last Engagement­s in the countrysid­e I thank the heavens She found God on the beach With a good slice of sun And cold wind blowing On her face.

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