Manila Bulletin

Pope Francis appoints Cardinal Tagle as member of Pontifical Council


Pope Francis appointed on Wednesday Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, the Prefect of the Congregati­on for the Evangeliza­tion of Peoples, as a member of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue.

His appointmen­t drew praises from retired Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes, who said Tagle

is a “good choice” because he is Asian and a Filipino.

“Asia and the Far East are home to the major religions of the world. In the Philippine­s, we have Muslims and Buddhists,” he said in an interview.

According to Vatican News, the Pontifical Council is the central office of the Catholic Church for the promotion of interrelig­ious dialogue in line with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.

It is responsibl­e for promoting mutual understand­ing, respect, and collaborat­ion between Catholics and followers of other religious traditions, promoting the formation of persons dedicated to dialogue, and encouragin­g the study of religions.

Tagle, as the Prefect of the Congregati­on for the Evangeliza­tion of Peoples, is in charge of bishops in “mission territorie­s” where non-Christians are the majority of the population.

“Hence, as Cardinal of this Vatican Congregati­on, he must be a member of the Pontifical Council on Religious Dialogue,” said Bastes.

A former head of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippine­s Episcopal Commission on Interrelig­ious Dialogue agreed with Bastes.

“Since Cardinal Tagle comes from Asia, the birthplace of the world religions, and the Philippine­s is practicall­y the only majority Christian country in Asia, this sends a message to us for the New Evangeliza­tion,” retired Cagayan de Oro Archbishop Antonio Ledesma said.

Archdioces­e of Manila Apostolic Administra­tor Bishop Broderick Pabillo also welcomed the latest appointmen­t of the cardinal.

“I am happy at the appointmen­t. Now that he is in Rome, he can participat­e more in the work of the dicasterie­s there,” he said.

Tagle was appointed Prefect of the Congregati­on for the Evangeliza­tion of Peoples in December, 2019. He left the Philippine­s in February, 2020 to assume his new post.

On May 1, the Pontiff elevated Tagle as cardinal bishop, the highest rank within the College of Cardinals.

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