Manila Bulletin

Does God mean anything to you?


In our lifetime, we get to know hundreds of people. But how many of them really mean something to us? In today's gospel reading, Jesus asks His disciples: "Who do you say that I am?' The question is not meant to test their knowledge about Him. He wants to know if He means anything to them.

Once, a couple told me they were planning to have a grand celebratio­n of their 40th wedding anniversar­y. I asked the wife: "After 25 years of being together, what does your husband mean to you?" She beamed with joy as she replied: "For me, my husband is the personific­ation of generosity. He never gets tired of giving." For his part, the husband said coldly: "We complement each other. I give and give, she takes and takes." I wonder if he could last another ten years.

So, Jesus' question to His disciples can be rephrased this way: "What do I mean to you?" For, if Jesus means nothing to them, how can they say they love Him?

Harold Kushner once wrote: “Many say they love God, and this love is based on their belief that God exists. But such a belief is exactly the same as believing that the North Pole exists even if they haven't seen it. They know it is there, but it doesn't mean anything to them. A God who exists but does not matter, who does not make a difference in the way you live, might as well not exist.”

What would happen to society if we profess our faith in God but we have no qualms in separating our public life from our faith? What would happen to our government if our leaders who consider themselves Catholics engage in corrupt and criminal practices, pass legislatio­n that are contradict­ory to Christian ethics, and actively promote and receive payoffs from drug lords and other criminals?

A priest was once invited to say the anniversar­y

Mass in one government agency. He arrived at 3 o’clock in the afternoon at the building where the agency was located. Upon entering, he was surprised to see that almost all the drawers in the employees’ tables were opened. He learned later that those who transact business in that agency have to deposit something into the open drawers — whether money or other merchandis­e — to “oil” or speed up the tedious bureaucrat­ic process.

When the employees saw him, they suddenly closed the drawers. He asked one of the employees: “Are you doing this because I am here?” The reply was: “No, it is time for our three o’clock habit.”

Then they all recited the Divine Mercy prayer in unison. After the devotional prayer was said, they opened their drawers again. Business as usual.

A religiosit­y that coexists with corruption and dishonesty is slowly becoming a pandemic. Many people think that it is not "practical" to allow God to interfere with their daily life. In his book “An Introducti­on to Christiani­ty," Pope Benedict XVI writes about this anomalous situation: “It is not as though we have denied that God exists. Rather, we simply consider Him as irrelevant. He still means something, but His significan­ce is no longer equal to our daily concerns."

Once in a while, we have to ask ourselves: "Does God still mean something to me today? We cannot expect Him to protect and help us if we want Him to leave us alone.

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