Manila Bulletin

Strong gov’t needed


“History will absolve me.” — Fidel Castro

During these difficult times caused the coronaviru­s pandemic and truncated economic recession, the country needs a strong government and a firm hand on leadership.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, there were certain Asian leaders who brought their respective countries impressive industrial developmen­t and stunning growth such as Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, Mahathir Mohamed of Malaysia, Suharto of Indonesia, Monarchist Thailand, Deng Xiao Peng of China, Park Chung-Hee of South Korea, and Chiang ChengKuo of Taiwan.

The only contempora­ry leader who failed to join their ranks was Ferdinand Marcos who achieved notoriety for massive corruption and for alleged amassing of ill-gotten wealth.

Today, we have a leader in President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, although the short fixed term forestalls and inhibits continuity of administra­tion and fulfilment of objectives.

Austere President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, who is not enamoured with money, and abhors corruption will readily do battle against any recalcitra­nt tycoon or taipan, and will not hesitate to confront or remonstrat­e against any erring oligarch.

Truth to tell, we have a strong President, and a weak bureaucrac­y.

First, reforms and cleansing should be aimed at the local government units or LGUs, where the DILG is doing inadequate cleaning.

Corruption remains unabated and widespread in many barangays.

Many barangay captains get corrupted in the distributi­on of relief goods and financial assistance.

There seems also a systematic conspiracy against the poor in the applicatio­n of laws and regulation­s and rampant fraudulent relationsh­ip between hospitals and PhilHealth.

Transforma­tion and punishment should be focused at the lowest level of government, i.e., LGUs and municipal employees, where vigilance and controls are lax.

Nothing much has changed at this level.

Second, the general public has the right to know the names, qualificat­ions, expertise, and integrity of the members of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and any other ad-hoc task forces formed to the combat COVID-19 pandemic at the expense of economic recovery.

It appears that the propensity to impose lockdowns, community quarantine­s, and stiff protocols is not sufficient­ly cognizant of the economic consequenc­es and social repercussi­ons.

At the end of the day, like any hard and fundamenta­l reforms, it is easier to look the other way, or to procrastin­ate, or to ignore difficult decisions at our peril.

This country needs a strong, erudite, and incisive leader, and a proactive and unintimida­ted bureaucrac­y.

Up to today, we are still nation building.

You be the judge.

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