Manila Bulletin

Amended IRR for Agri-Agra Act issued


The Philippine government is hoping to end the more than a decade of non-compliance with the Agri-Agra Act, which requires private banks to lend a portion of their funds to farmers and fishermen.

This, as the government finally issued the amended implementi­ng rules and regulation­s (IRR) version of the law.

“After more than a decade since its enactment, and the fair share of controvers­ies and problems in its implementa­tion, we now have finalized and signed on January 20, 2021 the amendments of the IRR of the Agri-Agra Law, which would facilitate higher investment­s by banks in the agri-agra sectors,” Agricultur­e Secretary William Dar said.

Under the Republic Act (RA) 10000 or Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009, banks are mandated to lend 25 percent of their funds to the agricultur­e sector.

Of which, 15 percent should go to agricultur­e, while the remaining 10 percent must go to agrarian reform beneficiar­ies (ARB).

A decade since the law took effect, the banking sector still fails to comply.

“The signing of the amended IRR came at a very opportune time as our agri-fishery sector takes up the challenge of leading the economic recovery amid the protracted health crisis,” Dar said.

The amended IRR was jointly drafted by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Department of Agricultur­e (DA), and Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), in consultati­on with the banking industry. It takes effect 15 days after publicatio­n.

The amendments in the IRR includes the deletion of the accreditat­ion requiremen­ts for debt securities; expansion in the modes of compliance with the agrarian reform credit; expansion of agri-agra eligible purposes; amendment to the computatio­n of total loanable funds of newly-establishe­d banks; and extension of loans to borrowers for purposes of financing activities identified under Section 23 of R.A. No. 8435, including palay housing and farming homestead.

The amendments will also reduce operationa­l challenges faced by banks in complying with the provisions of R.A. 10000.

Monetary Board Member Bruce V. Tolentino also said that with the new IRR, there is no longer any need to have a separate, additional process to approve securities (bonds and similar financial instrument­s) to be eligible as compliance, as long as these have already undergone the usual prior approval by BSP and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

“In the past, only pure agricultur­al production activities were eligible. Now, all activities along the entire agricultur­al value chain – production, processing, marketing are eligible,” Tolentino said.

“If the bank is less than five years old, then the Agri-Agra requiremen­t is not mandatory, recognizin­g that it takes some time for banks to develop familiarit­y with agricultur­al systems and lending,” he added.

Finally, he pointed out that not only the ARB is covered, but also the ARB’s family.

Last year, President Rodrigo Duterte said during his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) that he wants to end the more than a decade of non-compliance of the Agri-Agra Act.

At the time, Dar said it’s good that Duterte brought up during his SONA the proposed laws that would amend the Agri-Agra Act.

“That’s a great developmen­t. With that law, the penalties that the banks pay for not complying with the Agri-Agra Law will be collected and will be utilized to support farmers,” Dar said.

For his part, BSP Governor Benjamin Diokno, in previous statements, said that the Central Bank is eyeing wider implementa­tion of the Agri-Agra Law, allowing banks to invest part of their mandated portfolio in "green projects" and other forms of resiliency projects and investment­s in rural communitie­s.

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