Manila Bulletin

How this planner can change your life

Take it from the founder


When you become aware of your intentions, you learn to choose your activities and consciousl­y engage only in what you believe is worthwhile and aligned with your intentions.

For many years, the Self-Made Sunday Planner was made only for the personal use of its founder Ann Gacutan. With Ann coming from a modest background, the planner served a vital role in her life as she started turning her dreams into reality. It was her paper “life coach,” and was a key instrument to enable her to gain financial freedom, succeed in her career, grow multiple investment­s, travel extensivel­y, and find true love. Her positive experience and beautiful journey prompted her to publish the planner to inspire more people to reach for their dreams.

More than an organizing tool, the Self-Made Sunday Planner also brings five magical lessons that you can take anywhere with you.

1. To live with intention

Before Monday blues kick in, spend an hour every Sunday to plan for the week, the month, the year, and your life ahead. Setting an intention can make your life more meaningful by adding a purpose to it. When you become aware of your intentions, you learn to choose your activities and consciousl­y engage only with what you believe is worthwhile and aligned with your intentions.

2. To have an unshakeabl­e belief in possibilit­y

Regardless of your background and beliefs, the Self-Made

Sunday Planner aims to spread the power of believing. By having an unshakeabl­e belief in possibilit­ies, you open yourself up to more doors, better circumstan­ces, and surprising opportunit­ies you thought were impossible. Anything is possible, really, you just have to believe.

3. To dream

What would you do if you had a magic wand? Be brave, dream big! From a young age, we have been trained to think about our dreams. We are asked questions such as what would you like to be when you grow up. As an adult, dreaming does not stop, you’re allowed to keep having them whether big or small, it is and will never be too late, and you have the power to make things happen. Go grab that magic wand, wave it, and let your dreams unfold.

4. To discover

What do you really want in life? What are your values, your passions, your strengths, and assets? What do you want to be remembered for? Your journey with the Self-Made Sunday Planner will allow you to deeply connect with yourself and discover your own path without following what other people have set for you. You will define the metrics of your success and happiness on your own terms, and be fulfilled knowing that the path you chose is what you want for yourself.

5. To do

A dream with a deadline becomes a goal. Write down your goals and break down your action steps yearly, quarterly, monthly, and daily. We are what we repeatedly do. Form new habits and rock your routine! The SelfMade Sunday planner gives you the freedom to choose when to make your goals happen—you are the captain of your ship. You are free to set your own time to take action. You control your timeline and you start making things happen. As you get to know yourself a little more, you learn to respect your pace, remove unnecessar­y pressures, and really understand what works for you.

The Self-Made Sunday planner is designed to empower everyone to dream relentless­ly, set well-rounded life goals, and pursue a life well-lived and loved. It can help you see things from a different perspectiv­e, enlighten, support, and inspire you to approach life with zest and infectious optimism., use code HAPPYNEWME for a 25 percent discount. Follow @selfmadesu­ndayplanne­r on Instagram and at selfmadesu­ndayplanne­r on Facebook.

 ??  ?? PLAN IT The organizer also acts as a life coach as it containts important lessons
PLAN IT The organizer also acts as a life coach as it containts important lessons
 ??  ?? THE HEAD OF SCHED Self-Made Sunday Planner founder Ann Gacutan
THE HEAD OF SCHED Self-Made Sunday Planner founder Ann Gacutan
 ??  ?? COFFEE AND CREAM The functional and stylish planner comes in two colors
COFFEE AND CREAM The functional and stylish planner comes in two colors

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