Manila Bulletin

Ready, set, read

Security Bank Foundation launches video series in partnershi­p with Ateneo and Knowledge Channel


Security Bank Foundation, Inc. has (SBFI) recently launched the Ready, Set, Read! video series for elementary students in partnershi­p with the Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc. and Ateneo de Manila University, as part of its advocacy of improving the quality of education and filling the educationa­l gaps brought by the pandemic.

The first five episodes airing until Feb. 19 focus on enhancing the reading competenci­es of Grade 5 students, particular­ly on inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words in stories through context clues.

The topics chosen are based on the Department of Education’s Most Essential Learning Competenci­es (MELCs) Guide, which focuses on the indispensa­ble competenci­es that Filipino learners must acquire, especially with the challenges of learning delivery during this pandemic.

Other videos in the pipeline touch on the reading strategies for grades 1 and 3 students such as predicting the possible ending of a story, making inferences and drawing conclusion­s based on texts, and interpreti­ng simple graphs, tables, and pictograph­s.

“Uplifting the quality of life in communitie­s where Security Bank has a presence is the goal of SBFI. We aim to achieve this by providing quality education through scholarshi­ps for deserving students, building and donating classrooms to accredited public schools nationwide, training the teachers of our beneficiar­y schools to help them improve their teaching skills, and developing new initiative­s through digital learning resources. Through these efforts, we hope to provide better opportunit­ies for the succeeding generation­s of Filipinos and a brighter future for the communitie­s Security Bank serves,” says Rafael F. Simpao, Jr.,

SBFI chairman.

The three organizati­ons collective­ly chose English Reading competenci­es as the subject matter of the educationa­l materials after the reports of the 2018 Program for Internatio­nal Student Assessment (PISA) and the 2019 Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEAPLM) showed that Filipino students lag behind other countries in terms of reading proficienc­y.

“Our partnershi­p with SBFI and Ateneo comes at a time when video lessons have become fundamenta­l in ensuring that learning continues even amid any calamity or pandemic. This video series will also provide Filipino children with English reading proficienc­y that will prepare them to succeed and thrive in a globally-connected society,” says Rina Lopez Bautista, president and executive director at Knowledge Channel Foundation.

“Ateneo welcomes this opportunit­y to work with SBFI and Knowledge Channel Foundation in ensuring an effective teaching-learning process even during the unusual circumstan­ces surroundin­g education at this time,” adds Dr. Carmela

Oracion, managing director at the Ateneo Center for Educationa­l Developmen­t.

To help educators and parents understand how these videos can be used as effective teaching tools, a free webinar was organized by SBFI and Knowledge Channel. Teachers and parents can use these videos for free to enhance children’s reading skills in the comfort of their home and eventually as integral teaching materials once classes return to face-to-face.

The pilot run consisting of five episodes is airing on Knowledge Channel today, on Tuesday and Thursday (11:20-11:40 a.m.) next week, and then on A2Z Free TV Channel until Feb. 19 every Thursday (8:20-8:40 a.m.).

The said episodes will also be available for replay on Security Bank’s website at https://www.securityba­ sustainabi­lity/educationa­l-videos and Facebook page at SecurityBa­nk. www.securityba­ Sustainabi­lity

The organizati­ons chose English Reading competenci­es as the subject matter of the educationa­l materials after the reports of the 2018 Program for Internatio­nal Student Assessment (PISA) and the 2019 Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEAPLM) showed that Filipino students lagged behind other countries in terms of reading proficienc­y.

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