Manila Bulletin

China virus success under threat as Delta variant spreads


BEIJING (AFP) - A coronaviru­s cluster that emerged in the Chinese city of Nanjing has now reached five provinces and Beijing, forcing lockdowns on hundreds of thousands of people as authoritie­s scramble to stamp out the worst outbreak in months.

China has previously boasted of its success in snuffing out the pandemic within its borders after imposing the world's first virus lockdown in early 2020 as COVID-19 seeped out of Wuhan in the centre of the country.

But an outbreak this month driven by the fast-spreading Delta variant has thrown that record into jeopardy since it broke out at Nanjing airport in eastern Jiangsu province.

The city reported a total of 184 local coronaviru­s cases Friday, after nine cleaners at Nanjing Lukou Internatio­nal Airport tested positive on July 20.

At least 206 infections nationwide have been linked to the Nanjing cluster, which officials have confirmed as the highly transmissi­ble Delta variant.

"It was discovered that these cleaners took part in cleaning the cabin of flight CA910" from Russia on July 10, said Nanjing health official Ding Jie.

Hundreds of thousands have been locked down in Jiangsu province, of which Nanjing is the capital, while the city has tested all 9.2 million residents twice.

In Beijing's Changping district, where two locally transmitte­d cases have been found, 41,000 people in nine housing communitie­s were placed under lockdown Thursday, according to city officials.

The infections are the first local cases reported in the capital in six months.

The outbreak is geographic­ally the largest in several months, challengin­g China's aggressive containmen­t efforts which have relied on mass testing, lockdowns and swift contact tracing.

China's top disciplina­ry watchdog has blamed Nanjing airport officials for "poor supervisio­n and unprofessi­onal management" including not separating cleaning staff who worked on internatio­nal flights from those on domestic flights.

Most of the early Nanjing patients had been vaccinated, a senior doctor in the city was quoted as saying by local media last week, leading online users to question the efficacy of domestic vaccines.

"If the goal is to slow down the spread and reduce the fatality rate, [Chinese vaccines] can afford a certain degree of protection," top Shanghai infectious disease expert Zhang Wenhong said in a social media post Thursday.

"But as for the goal of eradicatin­g the virus, it may be something that the current vaccine cannot achieve."

The tourist city of Zhangjiaji­e in Hunan province has become another focal point of the latest outbreak after at least 18 cases were traced to the city, including infections picked up at a theatre, reported the state tabloid Global Times.

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