Manila Bulletin

Avoid cramming


There’s a story about a happy and close-knit family. One of their recreation­s is trying their luck in the lotto. The father would buy some tickets and give them to his children as well as their 85 years-old lolo (grandfathe­r).

One day the father bought some again. When the winning numbers were published, lo and behold, one of their tickets won the jackpot of ₱20 million! And the ticket was in the hand of their grandpa.


They were afraid to divulge the news to him fearing of his weak heart. They invited a close priestfrie­nd, instructin­g him to gently break the news to the lolo.

The young priest readily accepted the invitation. When he reached the house, he received the instructio­n then proceeded to the lolo’s room. They exchanged greetings and pleasantri­es, and when the priest was about to leave, he said casually, “By the way, lolo, supposing you won the lotto and win the jackpot of ₱20 million, what will you do with it?”


“What, ₱20 million?” replied the lolo, “That’s a big amount, Father.” The grandpa paused for a moment then smiled, “Father, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll give ₱15 million to my children and grandchild­ren…and give you ₱5 million!”

Excited and overjoyed, the young priest collapsed and died of heart attack! (To think it was the old man who had a weak heart!)


That amusing story may well illustrate how unexpected death can happen. In this 19th Sunday of the gospel, the Lord reminds us to be “wide awake” and prepared. “Be on guard,” Jesus says, “the Son of Man will come when you least expect him” (Lk 12,40).

*** Preparedne­ss is the beginning of true wisdom. “It will go well with those servants whom the Master finds watching on his return,” Jesus teaches.

Let’s not cram or prepare in the last minute. To do so is like starting to pack up when your bus is already in front of your house to fetch you.


How is this “preparatio­n” to be undertaken?

Many make preparatio­n by buying a lot in a memorial garden or a vault in a columbariu­m. For some, they execute a last will and testament which, by the way, can be a source of unending clashes and disputes due to unequal distributi­on of the properties. For disgruntle­d heirs, they employ their lawyers to settle disputes but, sadly, spend more for lawyer’s fee than the “microscopi­c” property!

The material and physical preparatio­n before dying is fine. However, that’s not enough. What’s more important is spiritual preparatio­n and bringing eternal provisions to the next life.


Making spiritual provisions means living an upright life following God’s will and commandmen­ts, and reaching out to the less fortunate brethren. This is very clear in Jesus’s teaching in the Last Judgment, “When I was hungry, you gave me to eat…Enter the Kingdom of heaven.”

Finally, let’s not forget partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus explicitly said, “He who eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood will live to eternal life.”

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Let's live in such a way that when the Master returns, as the gospel warns, we may not have to regret when the Lord judges us.

In the words of a spiritual writer, “A life well lived today makes every yesterday a dream and every tomorrow a vision of hope."


Help seminarian­s, sick indigents.

Let’s send ahead our “spiritual provisions” of good works by helping our seminarian­s and sick indigents like five-year-old leukemia patient Genesis Alison, ashmatic Joshel C., Bernadette D., sick of Covid.

Chip in an amount or sponsor a seminarian's schooling for a year. For inquiry, e-mail me at: belsvd@

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