Manila Bulletin

The witty and crazy art of Kidlat Tahimik ZOOM IN

Indio-Genius: 500 Taong Labanan Kontra Magellan, Marilyn, Mickey, at Padre Damaso comes home


National artist for ĸlm Kidlat Tahimik shares his art, installati­on and ĸlm, to our countrymen after a successful six-month show in Madrid. The show is at the Cinematheq­ue Center Manila entitled Indio-Genius: 500 Taong Labanan Kontra Magellan, Marilyn, Mickey, at Padre Damaso.

“We need to reminisce the stories of our native heroes, and bring back their inspiratio­n into our lives,” said Film Developmen­t Council of the Philippine­s (FDCP) chairman and CEO Tirso Cruz III. “I hope that this masterpiec­e will be a reminder for us to hold on, defend, and ĸght for our indigenous art and values, and love what is our own. If we Filipinos would not ĸght for our own, then who will.”

Of his exhibit in Madrid, Tatay Kidlat said, “More than 550,000 people came, wow, at least meron akong opportunit­y ipakita sa aking kababayan (I have an opportunit­y to show this to my countrymen).”

The exhibit will also travel to the National Museum, Museo Pambata, Rizal Park’s Visitor Center, Intramuros Administra­tion, and the National Commission on Culture and the Arts.

At the Cinematheq­ue Center Manila exhibit, we see an independen­t filmmaker with a bamboo camera created by blind sculptor Rogelio Ginanoy. “Ang ganda ng imaginatio­n niya kasi hindi sya nakakakita (His imaginatio­n is wild because he cannot see),” muses Kidlat who works with skilled Ifugaos. “The craziness is mine, my very own, sariling katok. But

I try to put it into a story that chose ang galing ng Pinoy.”

The Mababangon­g Bangungot (1977) ĸlmmaker knows history is from the point of view of the Westerners. “Pigafetta, he was the one who put the name of Lapu-Lapu for prosperity,” he says.

Bulakna, the wife of Lapu-Lapu. “My imaginatio­n also says, ‘Teka, kapag ĸnal battle na, to preserve your culture, to preserve your lifestyle, I think every man, woman and child can help, sasama na yan, (If this is a ĸnal battle, they will join),’” relates the 79-year-old Prince Claus Laureate

awardee. “I like to make the ĸnal version Lapu-Lapu standing there on the side, ‘Sige kaya mo yan, dito lang ako kapag kailangan mo (You can slay him, I am just here by your side).’”

The woman with arnis gives the ĸnal blow. Magellan meets his match in a her—in a she. “It’s a gender sensitive

framing of the Battle of Mactan,” explains Kidlat.

Also shown is the shorter version of Balikbayan #1: The

Silent Movie, Kidlat’s eighth edition. The film won the Caligari Film Award at the Berlin Internatio­nal Film Festival in 2015 where it had its world premiere.

Kidlat Sr. lost his son, Kidlat de Guia, while he was in Madrid. “I dedicate this screening to him,” he says. “When we did the installati­on in Spain, he was really my right-hand man. He really kept me going and going in making this exhibit.”

Tatay Kidlat met his wife Katrin at the Munich Olympics 50 years ago. He was an economist and struggling. “Punong-puno na ko, gusto ko bumalik maging artist (I was fed up and wanted to be an artist),” says the University of Pennsylvan­ia’s Wharton School graduate.

It was lowest turning point in his life when he ended up bankrupt due to the hostage crisis during the Olympics. He was forced to live in a community of artists outside Munich. “I met my wife, then we had our ĸrst child, after that I was a meta-ĸlmmaker who was teaching me how to run a Bolex camera,” he says. “Fifty years now, I am still that guy up there.”

The Balikbayan ĸlm started in 1979. “Ngayon pa lang matatapos (I will ĸnish this soon).” But like any Kidlat’s ĸlm, it takes decades because his ĸlming is organic. But he promises, “I think this year I am going to say goodbye to the ĸlm. Pipilitin (I’ll do my best).” Indio-Genius: 500 Taong Labanan Kontra Magellan, Marilyn, Mickey, at Padre Damaso runs at Cinematheq­ue Center Manila until December.

Kidlat Tahimik lost his son, Kidlat de Guia, while he was in Madrid. ‘I dedicate this screening to him,’ he says. ‘When we did the installati­on in Spain, he was really my right-hand man. He really kept me going and going…’

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 ?? ?? HISTORY ON WOODWORKS Clockwise from left: Filmmaker Kidlat Tahimik, Battle of Mactan, Trojan Horse of Hollywood and the Tsunami of Protector
HISTORY ON WOODWORKS Clockwise from left: Filmmaker Kidlat Tahimik, Battle of Mactan, Trojan Horse of Hollywood and the Tsunami of Protector

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