Manila Bulletin

How to survive the dreaded gout

Surefire ways to deal with the disease of kings


In the olden times, gout, a form of inflammato­ry arthritis, was a common plague for wealthy folk. Hence, it was often referred to as the disease of kings. The disease usually affected royal figures as gout was often the byproduct of consuming food rich in purine, a chemical compound that would later turn into uric acid crystals. These came from meals like cheeses, red meat, and alcoholic beverages— luxuries that only the wealthy could enjoy in the olden times. Nowadays, gout can affect anyone on the go. Here are some tips to deal with the dreaded disease of kings.

Beware of the flare

Gout flares are often caused by a sudden increase in uric acid levels in the blood, leading to the formation of sharp crystals in the joints. Usually, the main target of these crystals is the big toe, making it nearly impossible to walk when it takes over. Gout flares tend to let themselves be known once symptoms pop up. These include intense pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the affected joint.

Medicate, medicate, medicate

One of the primary steps in dealing with a gout flare is seeking medical advice and adhering to prescribed medication­s. Nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammati­on. Colchicine is usually the prescribed medicine as it effectivel­y deals with gout. If you aren’t sure what medication­s to take, it’s best to consult a

health expert first.

Hydration is key

Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial for managing gout flares. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out excess uric acid from the body, reducing the likelihood of crystal formation in the joints. Aim for at least eight to ten glasses of water daily, and consider incorporat­ing hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumber. Avoid alcoholic drinks and sugar-heavy drinks like sodas at all costs.

Dietary changes

Making strategic adjustment­s to your diet can play a significan­t role in managing gout flares.

Avoid purine-rich foods such as red meat, organ meats (liver), and seafood, as they can contribute to elevated uric acid levels. Instead, focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Cherries and cranberry juice are also believed to help reduce inflammati­on, although these claims need further backing.

Ice is nice

Keeping an ice pack on the affected joint can help soothe the pain caused by inflammati­on. The

 ?? ?? CRYSTALS OF PAIN Gout flares are caused by an increase in uric acid levels in the body which create crystals that can affect joints
CRYSTALS OF PAIN Gout flares are caused by an increase in uric acid levels in the body which create crystals that can affect joints
 ?? ?? DIET IS THE KEY Having a proper diet to counter uric acids helps in preventing gout (Photo Freepik)
DIET IS THE KEY Having a proper diet to counter uric acids helps in preventing gout (Photo Freepik)
 ?? ?? DON’T FORGET TO HYDRATE Drinking plenty of water can help flush out uric acid in the body Image credit: Freepik
DON’T FORGET TO HYDRATE Drinking plenty of water can help flush out uric acid in the body Image credit: Freepik

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