Manila Bulletin

Soothing a sore throat

How to manage throat inflammati­on and infection

- CHESHIRE QUE, RND, RN, RD BEWARE THE SYMPTOMS Sore throat's common symptoms include having a fever, pain when swallowing, and having red, swollen tonsils (Photo Freepik)

Medically known as pharyngiti­s, sore throat is not only an unpleasant experience. It is painful! The pain gets worse when you swallow. Resulting to difficulty in decreased appetite. It also makes it burdensome to talk causing a hoarse voice. Others may even lose their voice.

Sore throat is commonly caused by a virus when we have a cold or flu. This type of infection usually resolves on its own without medication. A sore throat however that lasts for days and does not heal in a week is a cause for concern. Urgent medical care is needed when one experience­s difficulty of breathing, earache, presence of blood in saliva or phlegm, a lump in your neck, swollen neck or face, rashes, a body temperatur­e of 38.3 degrees Celsius, joint pain and if you have difficulty opening your mouth. Another type of sore throat is caused by bacteria, also known as streptococ­cal infection. This would require antibiotic therapy prescribed by a doctor.

A sore throat may be accompanie­d by other symptoms of infection such as fever, cough, colds or runny nose, sneezing, body aches, headache, nausea, and vomiting. The glands in the neck and jaw may be swollen. The tonsils will be red and swollen. White patches or pus may also be present in the tonsils.

Sore throat is not just caused by infections from virus and bacteria. Allergies to mold, dust, pollen, and other environmen­tal pollutants, and even food sensitivit­ies can cause mucus to build up in the nasal passages clogging the nose. The post-nasal drip can irritate the throat.

Dry air can also cause throat irritation. The throat will initially feel itchy, scratchy, or rough. Breathing through the mouth can also cause the throat to dry. Known irritants such as tobacco smoke, inhalation of chemicals, drinking alcoholic beverages, and eating spicy food can hurt your throat too.

Some habits can be harmful to the throat as well. Talking in a loud voice, talking for long periods, yelling, and failing to rest the vocal chords can strain the throat muscles which could lead to soreness or inflammati­on.

Do you have acid reflux or Gastroesop­hageal Reflux? Acid from the stomach can backflow to the esophagus and irritate the throat. Oftentimes, a person with GERD may also experience heartburn, hoarseness, and lump sensation in the throat.

Here are some ways on how to soothe a sore throat:

Drinking fluids will keep the throat moist and at the same time loosen the phlegm or mucus that traps viruses and bacteria. A hot or warm beverage like tea or soups is soothing to the throat but did you also know that cold drinks and frozen food can offer pain relief to swollen tonsils? Popsicles or ice pops may be the first thing we could think of but these contain a lot of refined sugar. I recommend a healthier alternativ­e. Frozen fruit smoothies and sorbet made from ice and 100 percent fruit juice or fruit puree. These may be sweet but these are natural fruit sugars.

While on the subject of drinking fluids when you have a sore throat, it is best to avoid milk and dairy products like chocolates. While studies are conflictin­g with regard to milk causing mucus production, there is a protein called beta-cm-7 found in some cow breeds that stimulate mucus production in glands that are found in the gut. The same glands are also found in the respirator­y system that includes the lungs, nose, mouth, and throat. Whether milk causes mucus production or not, I would still recommend avoiding milk when there is throat inflammati­on and cough due to its texture and consistenc­y which tend to thicken saliva and also thicken the existing mucus or phlegm in the throat.

Lastly, herbal teas have been proven to quell inflammati­on, kill viruses and bacteria, stimulate the immune system and relieve pain. These are some of the herbs and spices that can help soothe your swollen throat: Ginger, green tea, chamomile, cinnamon, elderberry, turmeric, licorice, and peppermint. You can add some honey which is a natural cough suppressan­t and also serves as a prebiotic or food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut. These good bacteria play a huge role in boosting our immunity against infections.

Take care of your throat. You can drink these functional beverages to help prevent a sore throat


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 ?? ?? KNOW THE CURE Sore throat can be cured through rest, proper medication, drinking fluids, and avoiding irritants (Illustrati­on Freepik)
KNOW THE CURE Sore throat can be cured through rest, proper medication, drinking fluids, and avoiding irritants (Illustrati­on Freepik)
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