Manila Bulletin

No Mother Mary, no Christmas


On the eve of the graduation of a senior high school class, a dedicated and unassuming teacher was invited to a class farewell party. In her inspiratio­nal talk, the teacher said, “Someday you will all be successful in life. But remember, a peso is not a peso without one centavo. I am that centavo in your success.”


As we ponder the mystery of Christ’s incarnatio­n (becoming human), we cannot help but think of Mary as the lowly “centavo” instrument­al in the birth of Christ, much like that teacher to her students.

Without Mary’s “fiat” (Latin word for consent), we would not be celebratin­g Christmas or the history of salvation would have been rewritten. That’s how crucial the role of Mother Mary was.


Knowing God’s will is not as easy as Mary’s dramatic Annunciati­on.

When she accepted the will of God, she experience­d various hardships and trials, even though she became the mother of the Messiah. For instance, when she gave birth to Jesus, there was no available room in the inn. She had to be contented to deliver her child in a cave where animals took shelter.

Then when Jesus was two years old, King Herod out of jealousy wanted to get rid of him. Joseph and Mary had to flee to Egypt in order to flee from the murderous King Herod.

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collected the papers, there was one particular drawing which made the teacher laugh. The picture was an airplane and the passengers were Joseph, Mary and the offspring Jesus. “Who is that in front of the plane?” the teacher asked. “Mam, that’s Pontious the pilot!”

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Let’s not sulk or get angry when things don’t turn out according to your wish like when your marriage

By the way, here’s a humorous story about the flight to Egypt. A religion teacher told her pupils to make a drawing on sheet of paper the flight to Egypt. When the teacher is flounderin­g, losing a job, failing to pass a board or bar exam, financial misfortune.

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Do not just accept your fate though but rather do something to remedy it. Jesus pitied those who were sick of fever, dropsy, blindness, crippled, and healed them. When we fall into severe adversitie­s, let’s reach out to the Lord, too.

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When life is going well, remember to thank the Lord. However, when it’s the other way around, let’s remember that Jesus, Mary and Joseph had suffered the worst situations.

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On Christmas, we greet each other “Merry Christmas.” Let’s also greet each other “Mary Christmas!” Without her, there would be no Christmas.

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Give love. This Christmas, let’s “give love” to our seminarian­s by donating to our “Adopt-a-seminarian” scholarshi­p program. Give any amount or sponsor a seminarian's schooling good for one school year. For inquiry, e-mail me at: belsvd@

Without Mary’s ‘fiat’ (Latin word for consent), we would not be celebratin­g Christmas or the history of salvation would have been rewritten.


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