Manila Bulletin

Meditation made easy

If you need to clear your head, just follow these simple steps

- By POCH EULALIA A clean desk helps us weed out the clutter in our lives! Before starting your day at work, set aside some time to organize your workspace. File items accordingl­y and throw out any unnecessar­y items you come across. By having a clear works

Finding time for peace and serenity during the daily grind for most of us has become a rare moment. Often we find ourselves slaving away to

Breathe in the air.

One of the simplest steps for clearing our mind is to simply breathe. When things start to feel heavy, pause for a bit and take in a big breath. Slowly inhale and exhale, make ends meet, barely setting aside time to relax and take a breather. For those of us always in a hurry, don’t forget to slow down when you can. Here are some quick and easy meditation tips to help put you at ease whenever needed. as if you were being checked at the doctor’s office. Focus only on your breathing for a few minutes. This should help calm you down and is the quickest way to settle down.

Declutter your workspace.

Looking at beauty in the world is the first step of purifying the mind. — Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspiratio­ns

Step into a routine.

A readymade daily routine helps wire our minds and get ready each day. When getting up from bed, start your day by pulling up a checklist and listing

Remember the good times.

At the end of each day, try to write how it made you feel. Keep a mini journal and list down all the good things that happened to you throughout the day. If it was a bad day, write what got you feeling down as a way to vent. There’s no judgment here, just be as open as you possibly can. You can even read back through these journal entries to help guide you in the future.

Don’t forget to smile.

When the going gets tough, a simple smile can psyche you up to feel better about things. When we smile, we release endorphins that help give a mood boost and reduce

down your goals for the day. Whether work-based or just self-fulfillmen­t goals, keep track of what you’d like to get done. Crossing out each task throughout the day adds a little boost to stress. Try to think positively, as dwelling on problems will only worsen them. Remind yourself that these trials are temporary and that you can overcome them. You are in charge of your fate.

keep us going. The key here is consistenc­y, keep at it and you’ll find yourself calmer as you get through each goal.

Stimulate the mind.

Keep your mind clear of trouble by exercising your mind. Rather than sitting around and watching something to wind off, try to solve a crossword puzzle or read a book. Do something to get your mind to imagine limitless possibilit­ies. You’ll find something fulfilling in enriching your thoughts rather than trying to run away from it. Keeping the mind busy also helps it from dwelling into negative or paranoid thoughts.

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