Manila Bulletin

Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto wins presidency with 1st-round majority


JAKARTA, Indonesia (AFP) – Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto has been elected president of the world’s third-biggest democracy, the elections commission said Wednesday, beating two rivals who have vowed to file legal complaints about the vote.

The fiery defense minister and his Vicepresid­ential running mate Gibran Rakabuming Raka

— eldest son of outgoing leader Joko Widodo — already declared victory last month after unofficial counts showed them winning a majority.

They were officially confirmed as winners Wednesday after receiving more than 96 million votes, commission chairman Hasyim Asy’ari said, roughly 58.6 percent of the total and enough to secure a first-round majority.

“This decision is effective immediatel­y as of March 20,” Asy’ari said.

Former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan secured 24.9 percent of the vote, while former Central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo received more than 16 percent.

Baswedan filed a complaint to the country’s Constituti­onal Court on Thursday contesting Prabowo’s decisive win after allegation­s of irregulari­ties and fraud.

More than 164 million Indonesian­s voted, representi­ng around an 80 percent turnout of eligible voters.

Prabowo, 72, was widely predicted to win the presidency on his third attempt. He takes over in October after a transition period.

Speaking outside his house in the capital Jakarta to thunderous applause from supporters, Prabowo thanked Indonesian­s and his party for helping him rise to the country’s highest office.

“We are grateful to the God Almighty for the official announceme­nt from the KPU on the results of the election,” he said, referring to the elections commission.

“We would like to convey our gratitudes and the highest appreciati­on for all the people of Indonesia who have exercised their rights to vote.”

His popularity soared because of what experts said was his nationalis­t verve in populist speeches, strongman credential­s as defense minister and backing from Widodo, more popularly known as Jokowi.

Prabowo also offered his thanks to Jokowi, a former rival against whom he lost two election battles in 2014 and 2019.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken quickly offered “sincere congratula­tions” to Prabowo, saying Washington looked “forward to partnering closely” with the ex-general, who was once placed on a US visa blacklist.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a statement that he looked forward “to deepening our strategic partnershi­p even further” on issues such as climate change.

And France said in a statement from its foreign ministry that it “attaches priority importance to reinforcin­g its relations with Indonesia and stands ready to work with Mr. Prabowo Subianto” to deepen the two countries’ strategic partnershi­p.

 ?? ?? Indonesia’s president-elect Prabowo Subianto (AFP)
Indonesia’s president-elect Prabowo Subianto (AFP)

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