Manila Standard

Canada MP seeks expulsion of Chinese diplomatic o icial


A CANADIAN lawmaker on Wednesday called for Ottawa to expel a Chinese diplomat accused of having sought to intimidate him and his family in Hong Kong over the MP’s criticisms of Beijing.

Conservati­ve MP Michael Chong’s call was echoed by fellow opposition lawmakers who demanded action during a heated exchange in parliament in which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government was put on the back foot.

The outcry followed a damning report this week by the Globe and Mail claiming the government turned a blind eye to Beijing’s interferen­ce in Canadian affairs.

Citing classified documents and an anonymous security source, the newspaper said China’s intelligen­ce agency had planned to target Chong and his relatives with sanctions for having voted in February 2021 for a motion condemning Beijing’s conduct in Xinjiang as genocide.

This was “almost certainly meant to make an example of this MP and deter others from taking anti-PRC positions,” it cited a Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service (CSIS) document as saying, using an acronym for the People’s Republic of China.

A diplomatic official at China’s consulate in Toronto was said to be involved in the intrigue.

“This person needs to be declared persona non grata immediatel­y,” Chong told reporters in Ottawa after being briefed on the details by CSIS.

“The government (also) needs to come clean about who knew what and when and what they did about it,” he said, in comments followed by a blustering question and answer session of Parliament on the issue.

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