Manila Standard


- By Mariana Burgos

DOG shedding is a natural phenomenon that every pet owner encounters, varying in intensity across di erent breeds and seasons. Whether you have a Siberian Husky leaving behind a trail of fur or a Bichon Frise with minimal shedding, understand­ing the reasons behind shedding and how to manage it is crucial for maintainin­g your pet's health and a clean-living environmen­t.

What Triggers Dog Shedding?

According to the article “Everything You Need to Know About Dog Shedding,” on the FourPaws website, dog shedding is a natural process governed by the intricate dynamics of a dog's hair growth cycle which has three distinct phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Understand­ing these phases is fundamenta­l to comprehend­ing why and how shedding occurs in our canine companions.

The anagen phase marks the active growth period of a dog's hair follicles. During this phase, hair grows continuous­ly, fueled by the nourishmen­t provided by the body. This phase can vary in duration, depending on factors like breed and individual genetics.

After the anagen phase, the catagen phase sets in, signaling a transition period where hair growth slows down and eventually halts. This phase serves as a brief interlude between the active growth of old hair and the emergence of new hair follicles.

The telogen phase, the nal stage of the hair growth cycle, is where shedding primarily occurs. During telogen, old hair rest in their follicles, awaiting the emergence of new hair growth. It is during this phase that the old hair are shed to make room for the new ones. Shedding in dogs typically peaks during the telogen phase, as the accumulate­d dead hair are released from the follicles.

The PetMD editorial, "Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much?" that was reviewed by Barri J. Morrison, DVM, on the PetMD website, says that numerous factors in uence the shedding patterns observed in dogs, ranging from intrinsic genetic predisposi­tion to external environmen­tal in uences. Certain breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers, Akitas, and Siberian Huskies, are notorious for their propensity to shed due to their genetic makeup. These breeds often possess dense double coats designed to provide insulation and protection, making shedding an essential part of thermoregu­lation and maintainin­g coat health.

However, shedding in dogs is not solely dictated by genetics. External factors such as seasonal changes, temperatur­e uctuations, exposure to sunlight, and dietary imbalances can also impact shedding patterns.

For instance, dogs may shed more profusely during the spring and fall seasons as they transition between winter and summer coats.

Additional­ly, inadequate nutrition or imbalanced diets lacking essential nutrients can contribute to excessive shedding, as the body may prioritize vital functions over maintainin­g healthy hair growth.

Moreover, stress levels and overall health play signi cant roles in in uencing shedding. Dogs experienci­ng heightened stress or underlying health issues may exhibit abnormal shedding patterns as their bodies respond to internal and external stimuli. Addressing these factors through proper nutrition, stress management techniques, and regular veterinary care can help mitigate excessive shedding and promote overall coat health.

In essence, dog shedding is a multifacet­ed phenomenon shaped by a combinatio­n of genetic predisposi­tions, environmen­tal in uences, and health considerat­ions. By understand­ing the intricacie­s of the hair growth cycle and recognizin­g the diverse factors in uencing shedding, pet owners can implement e ective strategies to manage shedding and ensure their canine companions enjoy healthy, vibrant coats year-round.

Managing Dog Shedding: Tips and Techniques

While it is impossible to completely prevent shedding in dogs, there are several strategies that pet owners can employ to manage it e ectively:

Regular Brushing: Daily brushing is essential for removing loose hair and preventing it from accumulati­ng in your home. Use appropriat­e brushes for your dog's coat type, such as bristle brushes for longer coats and wire-pin brushes for curly or woolly coats. Shedding tools like slicker brushes and rubber curry combs are also e ective in removing dead hair and stimulatin­g the skin.

Nutritious Diet: A balanced diet rich in fatty acids and digestible protein is vital for maintainin­g healthy skin and minimizing shedding. Opt for highqualit­y dog food that meets the nutritiona­l standards recommende­d by organizati­ons like the Associatio­n of American Feed Control O cials (AAFCO). Supplement­ing your dog's diet with Omega-3 fatty acids from sources like axseed oil or sh oil can also promote healthy skin and coat.

Hydration: Ensure your dog has access to fresh water at all times to keep their skin hydrated. Dehydrated skin can exacerbate shedding, so encourage your pet to stay hydrated, especially during warmer months.

Regular Baths: Bathe your dog regularly using dog-safe shampoos speci cally formulated to reduce shedding. Bathing helps remove loose hair and debris from the coat, promoting healthier skin and reducing shedding. However, avoid over-bathing as it can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and increased shedding.

Monitor for Health Issues: Excessive shedding can sometimes indicate underlying health problems such as allergies, infections, or hormonal imbalances. Keep an eye on your dog's shedding patterns and consult a veterinari­an if you notice any unusual changes or symptoms like in amed skin, excessive scratching, or bald patches.

While it may seem inevitable, pet owners can take proactive steps to manage shedding e ectively and minimize its impact on their homes and pets' wellbeing. By incorporat­ing regular grooming practices, providing a nutritious diet, and monitoring for any signs of health issues, you can ensure that your furry friend stays healthy, happy, and shedding responsibl­y.

About the Author: Mariana Burgos is a freelance artist, writer, and tutor. She has been a solo parent for 17 years now because she is the wife of Jonas Burgos, a Filipino desapareci­do. She and her daughter are animal lovers and are active in advocating not only human rights but the rights of animals as well.

 ?? ?? The owner of a shedding French bulldog shedding deals with excessive hair by using a lint remover. (Photo from iStock royalty-free images.)
The owner of a shedding French bulldog shedding deals with excessive hair by using a lint remover. (Photo from iStock royalty-free images.)
 ?? ?? A furry Jack Russell dog sheds hair. (Photo from iStock royalty-free images.)
A furry Jack Russell dog sheds hair. (Photo from iStock royalty-free images.)
 ?? ?? A furparent brushes the hair of a Siberian Husky. (Photo from iStock royalty-free images.)
A furparent brushes the hair of a Siberian Husky. (Photo from iStock royalty-free images.)

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