The Manila Times

We’ll make you cry, Argentina


THE assault on our latest boxing pride, Johnriel Casimero, in Mar Del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, should not be ignored.

Those Argentinia­ns must be given a dose of their own medicine. No sooner was Casimero declared a winner via TKO, when fans of his losing opponent, Luis Lazarte, started hurling bottles and chairs at the Philippine team.

Monobloc chairs started flying from all directions into the boxing ring. Poor Johnriel looked like a terrified puppy as he tried to duck from the rain of hate hurled on him.

A burly Argentinia­n even punched our boxer in the head.

Worse, Osvaldo Bisbal, president of the Argentine Boxing Commission assured,“there is no one to punish for the ugly post fight riot,” and “Everything was fine.” Que horror! It was all on video, señor. And there was nothing in it that showed anything was near to being “fine.”

So, these Argentinia­ns want war. Then let’s give them war.

I believe that the protest filed by the Philippine Embassy in Buenos Aires is not enough. Nor was the apology extended by Lazarte to Casimero at the hotel where our boy was billeted.

The riot lasted 10 minutes! During that 600 morbid seconds, at least 10 chairs zoomed in the air all at the same time and targeted Casimero. Good thing our boy’s fancy footwork training before the bout paid off. He managed to come out of the chaos alive. But definitely not with a broken ego. One in danger of not healing within a lifetime.

What if the flying plastic knocked out Casimero? Or sent him into coma? Or worse, to Heaven?

Our champ was the picture of Mr. Perfect Sportsman. He could have easily fought back. He could have picked up the chairs and hurled them back at his aggressors. But he didn’t. Those violent señoritos should be vomiting in shame.

The Argentinia­ns trampled on our flag as if it were a rag. However, they did not just step on a piece of cloth. They soiled up our reputation and our honor.

For 10 gruesome minutes, these Spanish-speaking sardines made us look like a nation of doormats to the whole world.

And now, they think they could get away with sorry? No way, Jose. Somebody has to pay. Ahora.

The Senate deserves a standing ovation for asking the Department of Foreign Affairs to recall Philippine envoy to Argentina Rey Carandang and to call the ambassador of Argentina to this country to explain why they have “to assault our flag, the honor, the dignity of this country represente­d by our boxer.”

Senator JPE’S counterpun­ch to the tragedy is highly applaudabl­e. He said he doesn’t see any reason why we should still maintain a relationsh­ip “with a country that behaves like that.”

Oo naman.

Rolling death machines

If local buses are not busy killing its passengers by falling into ravines and skyways, these death machines are racing against each other and turning people into ground meat.

Take the grim case of Calixtro Phil Gualdrapa, 26, of Francisco Homes, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

He was pinned for two hours between a Malanday Metrolink bus and an RBM Grand Rally Transit bus recently.

The Malanday bus had tried to overtake RBM. The driver of the first vehicle failed to see the passenger boarding the second bus and Wham! Gualdrapa became an instant human hamburger.

Nobody deserves to end up the gooey way Gualdrapa did. But as long as drivers of these rolling murderers try to compete like pro racers, no life is safe on the road. Even those inside the luxury of air-conditione­d cars.

The LTFRB should start puncturing the tires of these gas-guzzling killers.

Please, dear government officials. Keep our roads clean. Rid them of garbage. Specially that of crushed flesh.

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